Armageddon comes and you have 5 minutes with Jesus

by pleaseresearch 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS


    You are turning into a wise-ass like me. I like it!!!

  • WTWizard
    I would want to know why I am being judged for trying to live a life that would have improved my own soul. Why is it a sin to attempt to work on that?
  • millie210

    I would ask him why part of "the plan" was to be so hard on humans.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I would ask him why, if the Bible was really his words and inspired by him, that He decided to make it indecipherable?

    Just before He zapped me for eternity, I'd ask why He didn't just have the Bible written like a really well-prepared junior high text book - so even a 12 year old could understand it. Why did He write three different versions of the Ten Commandments when He could have just used the two Commandments that were attributed to Jesus:

    Love everyone as if they were you siblings (because they are!) and do what is right before God.

    Why did He present himself as a master engineer with multiple personalities?

    Why didn't he just let Adam and Eve get on with their lives and REMOVE evil and temptations from their lives? Why did he create so many different and wonderful animals, sea creatures, and plant life - and then let 90% of them go extinct before humans ever appeared in the Garden? Duh! What the hell?

    Jehovah has some 'splainin' to do...


  • Crazyguy
    Since Jesus was perfect yet didn't right anything down then he really can't hold anyone responsible for all the mistakes later made by anyone.

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