How My Date Went

by Robdar 30 Replies latest social relationships

  • Robdar

    I went on my date this afternoon. He is a nice guy. Looks like Clint Eastwood. We got along well and he asked to see me again. I told him that we could get to know each other better.

    Here's the problem, he ran into one of his buddies and introduced me as his girlfriend. I do not think that one date makes me a girlfriend. Am I being overly picky about this?

    He also drank a large amount of beer. He says he is a social drinker but his alcohol tolerance seems to be very high for only drinking socially.

    All in all it was a nice time. Nice small talk and we didn't run out of things to say. I would have liked to have had a more intellectual discussion but he isn't into that sort of thing. This will eventually be a problem.

    Prisca, I followed your advice and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smelled like cologne so, I have no idea what he smells like naturally. The cologne he wore is the same fragrance of somebody I recently met and didn't care for but I can get over that.

    So, that is how the date went. Not very exciting, eh?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Robdar, if you were still a JW you would now be expected to marry this man! You kissed his cheek!

    Fortunately, you are not a JW anymore, and can understand that there are two functions to dating: 1. Have some fun 2. Get to know A VARIETY of people.

    As for his comment to his buddy that you were his "girlfriend," don't worry about that too much. He wanted to look good in his buddy's eyes, that's all.

    If you like the guy, continue to see him. If you don't like him, just stop seeing him and move along.

  • larc


    Here are my thoughts from a guys point of view.

    I wouldn't worry about the fact that he called you his girl friend. I suppose that he could have called you his date, but the girl friend thing is a term of endearment.

    I would be worried about his beer drinking capacity. That could be a problem.

    As far as his cologne goes, just ask him to switch to another. He will do it in a heart beat.

    Well, those are my thoughts..... over and out.

    Oh, and another thing, you are concerned that there were no deep thoughts. Well, guys don't have deep thoughts. I know, because I am a guy.

  • Aztec

    Well, Rob, I would say it went okay. Doesn't sound like there was much of a "spark" but one date is just not enough to tell. You sound rather dispassionate about the whole thing. I would try one more date and if he still doesn't have that sorta something special I would end it. Take care!:) ~Aztec

  • Lutece

    Uh Oh, they start saying "girlfriend" after one date, watch out!

    Believe me, I've experienced it and if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.


  • DJ

    Hi Rob,

    Sounds like a dud to me, sorry. Keep you eye on the beer intake and as for intellectual's important to me but my husband is not really that type either so, I fill that need elsewhere. My husband is highly intelligent but just not a talker and he's perfect for me. It's one thing Rob....if he isn't a talker and another if he is a dummy.....and if he is an alchy to boot....well, you can do better imo. Next few dates, keep an eye on the beer mug and try to atleast get him to talk about his interests, then you can see what is going on in there. He may be a sweetie but you have to know what you need in a guy. I like polo, how bout you? love, dj

  • Robdar

    The g/f thing would've bugged the hell outta me, but I'm weird like that

    Stinkypantz, I am glad that I am not the only that would be bugged by a remark like that.

    He wanted to look good in his buddy's eyes, that's all.

    Nathan, thanks for throwing that out there. I never thought about it from that angle and it has been a year since he has been on a date. His buddies were teasing him today so, I can see why he would want to look good to them.

    but the girl friend thing is a term of endearment.

    Larc, another good is a term of endearment. He seems quite fond of me. He even went so far as to joke about marrying me. That statement did alarm me but I laughed it off and told him it was the beer talking.

    I would try one more date and if he still doesn't have that sorta something special I would end it

    Aztec, good advice, thanks!

    Believe me, I've experienced it and if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.....RUN!


    More good advice. Thanks! I will be paying close attention on Sunday and if he does it again, I will run!

    Next few dates, keep an eye on the beer mug and try to atleast get him to talk about his interests, then you can see what is going on in there.


    Excellent advice. Thank you.

    Hehe, I have met another guy that I am going out with on Saturday to the Dixie Chicks concert. He seems like he will be fun.

    Hugs to all,



    Robdar...good, I'm glad you went on that date.

    Takes some time to get to know people. Good thing though, your Spidey senses were tingling, and you were VERY observant, which I am delighted about.

    I do the same thing, if I go out with someone, I take note of how they refer to me when I am with them, how much they either smoke/drink.

    If you can discuss intellectual subjects without difficulty, good sign.

    One thing I hate: TOO MUCH COLOGNE/PERFUME - I swear some of these people will self-ignite if they come too close to an open flame.

    Robdar: I'm proud of you. You went through with it, and came away from it, no worse for wear.

    Your sensibilities are intact, your integrity is A+ and there are definitely other 'fish in the sea'.

    Good start, and I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but...he's only one man out of countless others.

    Glad you went as it appears overall, it ended on a positive note.

    Rayzorblade of the 'Proud of Robdar Class'

  • COMF

    Congratulations on joining the dating crowd, Robyn! Here's my thought:

    He wanted to look good in his buddy's eyes, that's all.

    Probably so. The problem with this is, he lied in order to do it. And the nature of the lie was such that you, Robyn, were put in the position of either speaking up to refute it, or joining in it by keeping silent. Granted, it's not a big deal of itself, but it shows a lack of both respect for the truth and consideration for Robyn's comfort.

    And if he drank enough to make you worry, then hon, worry. Because believe me, on a first date, he was holding back.

  • Hamas

    Yes you are.

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