Awake No. 2 2019 - Way To Destroy Your Childrens Hopes And Dreams Watchtower!

by pale.emperor 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pale.emperor

    Not that I spend much time on the cult's website, but I like to skim through their latest propaganda to make sure I'm up to date with their nuttiness. (And when I say skim, I mean just that. The wafer thin, dumbed down content can be read in like 2 mins flat).

    I just had to share my thoughts on the above piece of trash.

    No. 2 2019 | Six Lessons Children Need to Learn

    According to Watchtower, children need to be:

    • Controlled (?!!)

    • Humble

    • Resilient

    • Responsible

    • Mature

    • Honest

      The one that jumped from the page the most though was when they discussed the subject of "Humility". It reads:


      Humble people are respectful. They do not behave arrogantly, nor do they expect others to treat them as special. Rather, a person with humility takes genuine interest in others and is willing to learn from them.

      Sometimes humility is misjudged as a weakness. In reality, it is a strength that helps people recognize their faults and acknowledge their limitations.


      Humility benefits relationships. “Overall, humble people are more connected to others,” says the book The Narcissism Epidemic. It adds that such people find it “easier to relate to other people and the wider world.”

      Humility benefits your child’s future. Learning to be humble will help your child both now and later in life​—for example, when seeking employment. “The young person with bloated self-esteem, unaware of her own deficiencies, is unlikely to do well in the job interview,” writes Dr. Leonard Sax. “But the young person who is genuinely interested in what the recruiter has to say is more likely to get the job.” *

      Now this is where it gets culty:


      Encourage a balanced view of self.

      BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving himself.”​—Galatians 6:3.

      Avoid misleading maxims. Sayings like “All your dreams can come true” and “You can be anything that you want to be” might sound inspiring, but they often do not prove true in real life. Your children will likely be more successful if they have reasonable goals and work hard to achieve them.

      Yes, according to Watchtower, if your children have any hopes and dreams it's best to just dash those hopes and dreams to pieces and remind them that they're not special or unique at all.

      Praise specific actions. Simply telling a child that he or she is “awesome” does not encourage humility. Be specific.

      Limit your child’s use of social media. Often, social media is linked with self-promotion​—broadcasting a person’s talents and accomplishments—​the very opposite of humility.

      Encourage your child to apologize quickly. Help your child to see where he is wrong and to acknowledge it.

      Promote gratitude.

      BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Show yourselves thankful.”​—Colossians 3:15.

      Gratitude for creation. Children should appreciate nature and how much we depend on it for survival. We need air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat. Use these examples to instill appreciation, awe, and gratitude for the wonders of the natural world.

      Gratitude for people. Remind your child that everyone is superior to him in one way or another and that instead of being jealous of others’ skills and abilities, he can learn from them.

      What the actual fuck?

      Expressing gratitude. Teach your children to say “thank you,” not just with words but with genuine appreciation. A grateful spirit has been called a building block of humility.

      Teach your children that there is value in serving others.

      BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “With humility consider others superior to you, as you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.”​—Philippians 2:3, 4.

      Expect your child to do chores. Exempting your child from family chores might give him the message, ‘You are too important to do this!’ Family duties should come first, and playing second. Point out how chores benefit others and how others will appreciate and respect him for doing them.

      Emphasize that serving others is a privilege. Doing so is a primary way to develop maturity. Therefore, encourage your child to identify those in need. Discuss with him what he can do to help them. Commend and support your child as he serves others.

      I wonder where they expect the child to serve?... I think we all know the answer to that one.

  • FedUpJW

    So I threw up in the back of my mouth reading this drivel from WT. Thanks for taking one for the team PE. I could surely see that the gibbering body follows their own counsel to the letter. (Sarcasm) I was going to ask if they are really that mentally challenged that they do not see themselves as complete hypocrites, but I know the answer to that question. They are either too stupid to see it, or too arrogant to admit it!

  • Incognigo Montoya
    Incognigo Montoya

    "Everyone is superior to him in one way or another".

    Let's not be like WT, and take things out of context. This is a true statement and something that is healthy for young people to learn. While you may be born with good looks, inherit an ability, or honed a skill that comes naturally to you, it doesn't make you better than others. Everyone has something they are better than you at.

    Now where I differ is that whatever skill, or trait a child works on, and excels at, should be applauded and encouraged. You should make your child feel special for those qualities, while occasionally instilling in them that they should recognize and appreciate special qualities of others, and recognize that others are superior to him, in one way or another. I also think that instilling the point that we are all human, and that if something is achievable for one person, it is attainable by another. Aside from good looks, most "talent" isn't a gift, it's only through hard work and perseverance that a person acquires skill and mastery.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    David, was made fun of by his brothers for only being a shepherd while they were important warriors. However, David used his time wisely, learning how to skillfully use a sling with rocks. This insignificant skill used to defeat Goliath paved the way for David's Kingship of Israel.

    I always love to hear "old Men who have never had any children" perspective about child rearing, especially when they are giving self-serving advise.

  • Biahi

    Funny how they say not to compare yourself with others, I was always compared to other kids who were “more spiritual” than me. One girl in particular. I laughed when she was disfellowshipped. I’m sure she’s still out, wish I knew where she was, I’d like to talk to her.

  • john.prestor

    It's their wording that creeps me out more than anything. 'A privilege to serve others,' really, how and why? Limit your kids access to social networking also comes across as isolationist because it's coming from them and they don't want kids talking to non-Witnesses.

  • tiki

    They may as well just tell parents to do whatever they can to stifle a kids intellectual and creative development....and be sure to batter their self esteem sufficiently to mold them into neurotic lemmings.

  • Tameria2001

    Sorry I couldn't get through even the summary of that op. All I will say about that is hogwash. They make me sick.

    There is absolutely nothing encouraging a child to reach their dreams. Told my son at a young age if he wanted to go to college, work hard in school to make it happen. Had no idea how I was going to pay for it. Long story short, he worked his butt off reaching his dream of going to college, and as a result, he was able to gain a full scholarship for his complete time in college, with the stipulation that he keeps up his grades and do the class requirements the school puts down. He is wrapping up his third year and has been on the Dean's List every semester.

    I am SOOO glad that I got my kids away from that cult before those jerks could mess them up.

  • dubstepped

    Make sure that your child never feels very good about themselves. Those with little self esteem are easier to control. Create a need in them and lack of secure attachment that the cult can fill. Don't let them dream, we'll give them their dreams.

  • Giordano

    This POV has a long and miserable tradition in the WTBTS corporate world view. Child rearing has always been presented as a loss of critical time in the work of promoting the WTBTS corporation's financial interests and membership growth. In fact even marriage was discouraged.

    To make matters worse JW families were always encouraged to discipline their child vigorously as in 'spare the rod....spoil the child.' So it wasn't just child sexual abuse that could become a problem there was repeated child corporal abuse. Under the guise of Discipline. Apparently that's the way the Society wants to humble their follower's children and get them to sit silently during a meeting

    It is clearly better to promote mediocrity among JW children so one can better fit into the JW world. Earning a Scholarship? No it is better to knock on doors and wash windows.

    Yes, according to Watchtower, if your children have any hopes and dreams it's best to just dash those hopes and dreams to pieces and remind them that they're not special or unique at all.

    When you read the substance of this (thanks Pale for posting ) how would you have explained this trash to a bible study who had children?

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