God’s silence teaches more than what the “revealed scriptures” do!

by anointed1 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • anointed1

    Objective reading of scriptures can see many human thoughts in them. Objective analysis of religions would show that they exist primarily for their own benefit. Is science too travelling in the same direction? Goal of science is to understand nature, but when it is all entangled with politics and economics, original goal seems to have been lost. We remember that Einstein recommended to Roosevelt that a nuclear bomb be built and he regretted it, and subsequently spent most of the last 20 years of his life working for peace. From Einstein’s time, science has traveled further in the same direction.

    In all these “developments” God did not do anything, and is totally silent. Does His silence show that each one should decide his own course wisely taking into account the results? This ties with our natural inclination too. We hate to use someone’s shoe. If so, why should we use someone’s ideas, beliefs …?

  • punkofnice

    I don't know. What do you reckon? It sounds a bit Brahma Kumaris, if you don't mind me saying so.

    Could it be that silence proves there is nothing there at all?

  • anointed1

    No sect will say "each one should decide his own course wisely taking into account the results."

  • waton

    "Science" is so many specialties, and getting more so. how it is used though, is another matter. Science needs money and that comes from politicians. sad to be a driven genius, but ending up as a fundraiser, even prostituting your services to do your stuff, see W. von Braun, the other expat working on the east coast.

  • punkofnice
    No sect will say "each one should decide his own course wisely taking into account the results."

    I'm sure that's probably quite profound. But what are your answers to your questions? I'm not sure what you're trying to tell us.

  • scratchme1010

    In all these “developments” God did not do anything, and is totally silent. Does His silence show that each one should decide his own course wisely taking into account the results? This ties with our natural inclination too. We hate to use someone’s shoe. If so, why should we use someone’s ideas, beliefs …?

    Call me crazy, but shoes are shoes and ideas are ideas. I have absolutely no problem with borrowing ideas from others, that is ideas I can find useful and beneficial (or that make sense to me). Ideas don't leave other people's fungus on your feet; they are not comparable things.

    I don't have any reason to believe that there's "silence" from god. There's no god at all, and as such, everything else regarding religions are attempts at explaining things through "god". Either way, whether there's a silent god or no god at all, I completely agree with the notion that we ourselves decide our own course, which we do anyway, being it letting other people decide (like an organized religion) or doing it with guidance of others, or just on our own.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    So why do you assume God is silent?

    When Zachariah, the Father of John the Baptist, was in the temple, an angel appeared and told the old man that his elderly wife was going to have a son. Before the appearance, there had been no recorded word from God in 400+ years. And the first thing Zachariah did was question the angel's authority! So the angel struck Zachariah dumb as a sign that he was of God.

    The wickedness of the people caused the long period of apostasy, and in less than 35 years they had crucified the Messiah and John had been murdered. It didn't take long for the Christians of that day to begin replacing their appointed leaders and again their was a long reign of silence.

    Paul had prophesied that in the last days, man's learning would be greatly accelerated. I just finished watching RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP (which took place in 1942). The U.S. submarines were rust buckets, yet they were running all over the Pacific. And twenty years later we had nukes, any one of which could have single handedly won the war. Weaponry, speed, ability to stay submerged, size, depth and, of course, expense -- the advances have been incredible.

    Air, land, sea and space, the advances have been unreal. I'm not a supporter of Glenn Beck by any means, but the Book he recommends -- The Five Thousand Year Leap -- is a book I found fascinating. We hit a certain point and technology just exploded.

    So no one really knows that God is silent. Presently it's moot.

  • anointed1
    Your question has been answered by scratchme1010

    The only difference is that I believe God exists, yet He is silent because there are laws put in place by Him and everything that happens are governed by them. What I read in some apocryphal book makes an interesting point: ‘He that sins shall offend against his own soul (not against God) because he will reap its bitter consequences sooner or later which will motivate him to love himself avoiding things that lead to bitter consequences. Thus suffering serves a good purpose. If this benefit is not noticed, then suffering would be viewed as a proof for the non-existence of a God who cares—just like silence is the sign of both—one does not have knowledge and one does have knowledge, who waits for appropriate moment to speak out.

    Besides order, we can sometimes find disorder also in the universe. In big picture even this apparent disorder too happen because of Laws. Many people have had a fall in their bath room—yet everyone does not have same injury, it varies—from no injury to serious injury—because it depends on various factors (Laws decide them). That means even disorder proves laws, and laws prove Law-Giver. Looking at apparent disorder we cannot say there no God just like one swallow doesn’t make a summer, one drop isn’t a stream; one feather isn’t a bird, one tile is no roof; one tree doesn’t make a forest …Some people may have disease, or may be born with disabilities. That is understandable because each body is designed by the soul (not God). Yoshinori Ohsumi (Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, 2016) said in his acceptance lecture: “Life is an equilibrium state between synthesis and degradation of proteins.” According to French physiologist, Claude Bernard, “Stability of internal environment (in the body) is the condition for free and independent life.”

    Now pause for a moment, and get the spirit of what they: As long as vital organs are in equilibrium, there is life. Once these organs are stressed, there is deviation from the equilibrium state and life becomes endangered. Synthesis implies creation. Degradation implies annihilation. Together, they can contribute to equilibrium. Creation requires input of higher energy that should obviously come from something immaterial that exists before body. Hence quality of the creation would be dependent on the quality of the soul. This points to the fact one needs to be careful before he acts because of quality of soul and quality of thoughts are related.

  • smiddy

    The reason God is silent could be that God does not exist except in the minds of those who want to believe he/she exists.

  • anointed1

    God is silent because He doesn't want worship as religions teach. Whoever acts beneficially looking at experiences (own or of others') benefits himself whereas others who act wastefully reap accordingly--this what I could discern from my study of history and reading of stories.

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