Richmond, Virginia Convention Lowlights: 11-year-old Baptized / Porn Seen Accidentally

by Funchback 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OrphanCrow
    marlborobarbie: And btw, whyyyy would anyone let a youngin talk about this kind of stuff in front of other youngins? There were hundreds of kids there too little to understand what it is...oooh boy.

    Exactly. Lol! It reminds of something that happened when I was young and exploring different religions. I attended a born-again church for a few months and one Sunday they had a visiting pastor. He unexpectedly gave the sermon on the topic of the dangers of masturbation.

    The church members were horrified. Horrified! Lol! They talked about it for days afterwards - every time I ran into someone on the street or wherever, that had heard the sermon, they expressed their dissatisfaction. They called it the Big M word. The regular pastor apologized the next Sunday.

    I thought it was funny - it was nothing out of the ordinary as far as I was concerned - the JWs talk about masturbation and sex all the time from the platform. But not the born agains!

    I think it is hilarious that the masturbation bit is the part that was selected to insert into a news article about the convention.

    But, how horribly embarrassing for the teen. And the young people attending. A totally inappropriate subject to assign to a young person to talk about in front of hundreds of people - and then have it reported on in the newspaper.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I've been on the internet since 1995, only once in all that time has porn appeared on my browser without me wanting it there. I was on dodgy sites looking for pirated stuff sometime in those early years and my browser got hijacked by some malicious shit that is often found on those type of sites (lesson learned) and I ended up frantically chasing the browser windows around trying to close them faster than they appeared. In less than 30 seconds i unplugged and rebooted in safe mode and did full scans to remove the malware and viruses i had allowed onto my PC. It did take several hours and repeated efforts to try and clean it, I'm pretty sure i failed to fully remove it and rather than risk a repeat i scrubbed the hard drive (full 0 fill) and went back to an earlier image of my disk.

    That is the only time porn has accidentally appeared on my computer in 20+ years on the internet. It does not just jump out at you from nowhere.

  • Londo111

    I got my invite for this one a few weeks ago.

    Another convention NOT attended!

  • OrphanCrow

    To be fair, the news report didn't say the accidental porn was on a computer.

    For people who only know the digital world - ya need to know that porn exists in analog form too. Maybe the accidental viewing of porn happened when the kid found his dad's stash of Penthouse out in the garage.

    Or, maybe he clicked on his mom's icon in Netflix and hit the currently viewing of "Orange is the New Black". Go mama go!

  • marlborobarbie
    The church members were horrified... the JWs talk about masturbation and sex all the time from the platform.

    It's really an awkward and inappropriate situation for everyone when it happens, too. I can only imagine the torment that teenager went through from his peers when he got down from the stage. He'll never live it down! No one is going to think of him as a martyr for teenagers against porn, but they're gonna see him as a complete idiot, a "goodie goodie", and he'll never escape the stigma. I feel badly for him. Shame on his parents for allowing this.

  • Pistoff
    I hope the Dad explained that it is only bad if you view it 'accidentally'; if you search for it and find it, no problem.
  • steve2

    I want it on record that I have absolutely and categorically never - repeat never - looked at porn


  • Wayward

    This thread was such a bummer! I was hoping that they accidentally played porn on the big screen at the convention.

  • rebel8

    But, how horribly embarrassing for the teen. And the young people attending. A totally inappropriate subject to assign to a young person to talk about in front of hundreds of people - and then have it reported on in the newspaper.

    This is the major issue with this story. It is abusive to let a minor child discuss this matter in a public presentation. Very sick.

    I know I usually have an evil sense of humor, but even I am not finding this funny.

  • smiddy

    How come the Bible / Jehovah in all his wisdom , since he created us never mentions masturbation that occurs in either sex.?

    Males get erections when their adolescents , not even teens , answer that Jehovah .? Why ?

    4000 years of human history according to the Bible that contains murder , genocide , rape , incest ,theft ,adultery ,etc.etc,

    Yet their is no mention in either the Hebrew scriptures or the Christian Greek Scriptures of the practice of masturbation , which has been going on since Adam was a boy . Oh and lets not forget Eve also and the female species that also engage in this practice when the need arises.

    Yet their is no mention of it in the entire Bible , why not ?

    It is a fact of life .


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