After observing my Jehovah's Witness friends and family members for over 50 years it became apparent that the vast majority of "the brothers and sisters" pick and choose the rules and laws that their church/organization what them to follow.
Tough the society may state these admonitions as definite "do's and don'ts" many of the church followers put these admonitions in the the "grey zone."
Why is this?
The reason being Jehovah will give them special dispensation. Yes, for some odd reason Jehovah will cut these people some slack for the same things he must punish others for.
They vast majority of the organization including their leaders what "mercy for themselves and justice for everyone else."
Here are some of the many examples of the"grey zone" people are willing to live with, because Jehovah loves them more then other Jehovah's Witnesses.
Whether to turn friends and family members in for the crime of pedophilia
Oral sex among married couples
Watching "R" rated movies.
Whether to see/talk to dis-follow shipped family members
Going to "Worldly functions" class dances, office parties and reunions
Lying on their income taxes
From the very top of their organization on down the rules are clear for everyone but themselves.