The First Time I Went Over 120mph (193kph) I Was In A ____________ ,

by Sea Breeze 39 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FFGhost

    30+ years ago, German autobahn. Rented a little Mercedes 4-cylinder, if pointing downhill it could reach 200 KMH.

    Weird how your senses heighten at that speed. Got to look wayyyy down the road to anticipate potential issues.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    on my tweaked CB 750 K1 Honda 4 .

    @wozza - Just imagine if you still had that bike now, what it would be worth. I know, I think that about every bike and some of the cars I have owned over the years.


  • wozza

    Hi St. George of England I know ,it would be worth a lot especially to me . I sold it to buy a car and go Motocross racing ,I had crashed it into a guard rail at 70 mph around that time ,had it rebuilt with a non standard paint job and here is a photo of me with it but it never seemed to be the same even though the frame had been straightened enjoy!

  • wozza

    Hi St. George of England I know ,it would be worth a lot especially to me . I sold it to buy a car and go Motocross racing ,I had crashed it into a guard rail at 70 mph around that time ,had it rebuilt with a non standard paint job and here is a photo of me with it but it never seemed to be the same even though the frame had been straightened enjoy!

  • StephaneLaliberte

    A 2001 Chrysler Neon, thought I think it was topped at 190. I was a stupid kid back then. Today, I still often drive above the limit, but not in a stupid way. For instance, back than, I'd drive 100 km in the city on 50km/h streets filled with parked cars; no idea if anyone will come out between two cars! Today, in such places, I go at 50, sometimes even less, minding the surroundings. But then again, on some select wide boulevards, I can drive 110 even if the limit is 70.

    As for the highways, I've driven on "no speed limits" high ways in Germany that weren't much different then many of the highways we have here in Canada. So, I don't always agree with the posted limits in Canada. I believe it comes down to the experience of the driver and what they are driving. For instance, with my vehicle today, I never pushed it further than 165.

  • HappyDad

    It was 1966 and I was flying home from basic training in Fort Benning, Georgia. United Airlines DC-4. 4 engine prop plane.

  • oppostate

    In a VW Jetta on Rt 91S in VT dreaming of the Autobahn.

  • IWant2Leave

    Kawasaki KZ 1000. Has 160 on the speedo. I hit 137!! Crazy times. I won't drive a car over 100 now. I have realized that I'm mortal.

  • wannabefree

    1987 Dodge Daytona Shelby Z

  • tenyearsafter

    A police car...

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