Zoom Social Event With a GB Member (Losche)

by Jofi_Wofo 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • iXav
    Nice gig if you can get it, particularly for men who are elderly.

    Very few people will want the hassle of being a member of the GB and always trying to be the spiritual giant in the room. It gets really tiring and boring after a while. The same reasons celebrities hate signing autographs and taking selfies after a while. It stops being fun! There is a reason why bethelites in general drink a lot.

  • Rocketman123

    I'm not too sure of that iXav

    If you were working at Bethel and you knew there was a GB position to be filled , I'm sure there would be more than a few that would strive to get that position knowing all of the engaging perks, knowing you could live a well cared for life without money being an issue and have a place to permanently live.

    Remember there are a lot of elderly JWS men who didn't save for a retirement due to the end coming soon.

  • iXav
    f you were working at Bethel and you knew there was a GB position to be filled , I'm sure there would be more than a few that would strive to get that position knowing all of the engaging perks, knowing you could live a well cared for life without money being an issue and have a place to permanently live.

    That is true, I am just saying it is not all plain sailing and being a GB member will likely have its downside.

  • Rocketman123

    There is an assuming concept that GB men are supposed to be biblicaly well read and knowledgeable about JWS doctrines and so forth, that is where most of the pressure rests in being a member.

    One of Losch's most notable statements is when he was giving a talk and said getting or pursuing higher education is like putting a gun to your head playing Russian roulette with your spirituality, you may not survive.

    Hypocritical asshole probably went and got a Covid vaccine from people who got and pursued higher education.

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