Was Sin Inevitable?

by Parker 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Diogenesister

    Watchtower goofs again.

    There was no “principal of headship” before the fall. It was only after the fall that Eve was to suffer horribly in childbirth and that “your desire will be for your husband, but he will rule you”. Many translations explain it means Eve will desire to control her husband, but he will rule her.

    In other words prior to the fall they had an equal, harmonious relationship. In fact I was reassured by older JWs as a kid that in paradise women would no longer be subject to headship and in heaven male and female no longer exist.

  • Parker

    quote by Diogenesister

    In fact I was reassured by older JWs as a kid that in paradise women would no longer be subject to headship and in heaven male and female no longer exist.

    Hmmm. The scriptures could have fooled me.

    Genesis 6:2

    2 the sons of the true God*a began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful. So they began taking as wives all whom they chose.
  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I always wonder how an act of disobedience and the resulting disturbed relationship between individuals (Adam/Eve vs JHWH) resulted into physical defects.

    Were Adam and Eve not really perfect by themselves, but merely kept alive and healthy by God while they obeyed him?

    Or were they perfect and healthy all by themselves, and God purposely put defects into them after they disobeyed?

    And how is sin inheritable through DNA?

    What are the mechanisms for this?

    So many questions, so few reasonable answers....

  • waton
    Were Adam and Eve not really perfect by themselves, but merely kept alive and healthy by God while they obeyed him,

    AA: well, how about the tree of life then, not a forbidden fruit, was it a staple to keep them "perfect" or only a kind of medicine in case of dire emergencies?

  • rh3988
  • rh3988
  • apostatethunder

    According to Watchtower doctrine God didn't speak directly to Eve, but He used her husband to communicate with her.

    We would have to ask her why she trusted the first serpent that crossed her path more than she trusted her husband.

  • apostatethunder

    It seems God, Adam and Satan put a trap to blame Eve for all their sins.

  • dothemath

    Imagine if Adam + Eve hadn’t sinned, the whole world would be full of perfect people living in paradise. (This is what witnesses hear on a weekly basis)

    what are the odds out of millions of people, that someone eventually eats the fruit? It would be inevitable. So now you’ve got perfect people alongside imperfect?

    In all watchtower books talking about the original sin, they never mention any other possibilities.

  • Nitty-Gritty

    Perfection is a relative term. It does not mean the same result across the board. For example you might have a utensil that is perfect for the job it was made to do, but would be useless for something else. The animals were made "perfect" but still probably died. But they were perfect for animals. Humans and spirit creatures were made perfect, but not in the same sense as God. God is the one who decides what perfection actually means for all his created works.

    With Eve, it is actually LOVE that would have made her choose the right thing, not "perfection". It is love, or lack of, that would make her decide what choice she made. Obviously perfect humans were made with that flexibility; to love or not to love.

    The only being that is perfect to the ultimate degree is God. This can be as hard to understand as no beginning and no end.

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