I Wouldn’t Be Surprised If The USA Had Another Civil War!

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • waton
    dissenting states leaving the union if they so choose

    Was not the last internal war about dissenting from, leaving the union?

    rightly so! - because people they don’t like have power to unduly influence their life.

    and that happened in many of the last, close elections. wait, it could get worse when people start voting along purely ethinc, religious and not only ideological lines

  • Steel

    I just watched a documentary on iPhone production in China and it's insane.

    First off 50000 people work at these factories. They build entire cities around them. Any Building over one story is surrounded by nets to try and stop potential suicides. They work 72 hours a week for 450 dollars a month.

    Then on top of it the average Chinese person only works there for about four months because it sucks so bad.

    The idea these jobs could move back to North America is just stupid. a phone would end up costing 10000 dollars.

    My point being Trump and interest rates. This is the danger in having a leader who has never worked a day in his life nor has a basic understanding of economics. If everything was made in America, no one could afford to buy it. He isn't going to re create the 60s , he is going to re create the early 80s.

  • MeanMrMustard


    Was not the last internal war about dissenting from, leaving the union?

    Yes, it was. I was merely expressing what I would hope to see. Government back in box, states have the soverenty to leave without economic or military action.

    and that happened in many of the last, close elections. wait, it could get worse when people start voting along purely ethinc, religious and not only ideological lines

    Yes, it shouldn’t be allowed to get worse. Shrink government. But that probably won’t happen...

  • waton
    Yes, it was. I was merely expressing what I would hope to see. Government back in box, states have the soverenty to leave without economic or military action.MMM

    My concern is, that we are competing with really big government currently a spectacular success story, the lifting out of poverty of a billion, in the process creating a rising military power.

    Civil wars have strengthened, honed the skills of the people in the states in which they were fought, but can the US afford one now, when a monolith like China shows that unity trumps even trump?

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    a civil war? possibly, caused by those who want to fix disagreement by force instead od dialogue and compromise. Antifa and Black Lives Matter don't worry me. They are fringe little groups with no real power. I worry about those who have the guns to start a war. You know who those are. They voted for Trump in big numbers.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    civil war in america ? dont worry...jehovah is going to interveen very soon now. he will kill everybody--except his few followers. there--fixed it for you.

    now go find something else to worry about.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Trump just said that people who hold signs saying "resist" can't even say what they're resisting.

    This guys so out of touch with the American people it's absurd. He needs to stop golfing and he needs to START engaging with the American people. This is what happens when someone who's never worked a hard day's work in his life gets into office and can't be bothered to read a single briefing.

    The people are resisting a President that habitually spouts fake news.

    They're resisting an administration that constantly lies.

    They're resisting the toxic political environment Trump has created.

    They're resisting his expanding swamp in Washington.

    They're resisting racism, sexism, and cultural intolerance.

    They're resisting the class warfare that has been waged on the poor and the middle class. They're resisting so many things. It's time for Trump to wake up because their's NOT going to be a civil war. There's going to be a blue wave going to knock the Republican party out of power for the next decade or two.

  • Vidiot
    hoser - "Others have become complacent and expect to be catered to."

    It's true.

    I make a point of complacently expecting to be catered to at least once a day.

  • Simon

    Coded Logic, I think a lot of people resisted all those same things under Obama, they just did it in a more civilized and democratic way. There's no need for a militant resistance when you have a democracy.

    Ideas should win. If they don't, look at them.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    cultural intolerance - not sure if this would be off-topic but I'd love to hear more about this.

    Please expand, Coded Logic ...

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