Colorado Rock Climber Amputates Own Arm

by Hmmm 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    freedom...most cell phones don't work in places where he well, the last thing that needs to happen is unprepared idiots running about rugged terrain w/electronics that rarely work gives them a false sense of security...but I already said that...*sighs* The guy knew what he was doing and the can find some of his climbing stuff online if you dig for this..


    District Overbeer

  • Billygoat
    I grew up in farm country and I heard of a farmer who while repairing his combine out in the field, got his arm caught and have to amputate his arm with his pocetknife. Saved his life. I always wonder if I could do the same in a similar situation.

    Joy, did you here that back in MO? For some reason that sounds vaguely familiar of someone's grandfather that was in the BG congregation.


  • SixofNine

    Dammit, if this doesn't show the need for cell towers in our national parks, I don't know what does!

  • hillary_step

    I heard of a man who was cutting lumber and managed to sever two fingers on his left hand. His dog who was dutifully waiting by his side ate them.


  • Hmmm
    Dammit, if this doesn't show the need for cell towers in our national parks, I don't know what does!

    Amen! But don't forget the telephone poles you'll need as a back-up. Then you'll need fast food joints to service the phone repair technicians, and roads to access the fast food, and local adminstrative offices for the phone guys and fast food guys, and you'll need to dig trenches for all the plumbing and gas lines these buildings will need, and gas stations, and check cashing centers for the burger flippers, and a laundromat, and a local police precinct to make sure the demonstrations against the XXX peep joints that are there to attract the truckers don't get out of hand, and lawyers and a bail bondsman for the protesters who do get out of hand, and an office supply store to provide stationary stock so the new churches can print schedules of their services, and garbage services, and a landfill for the mountains they have to level for the roads. And a Cineplex... don't forget the Cineplex. Nothing like getting back to nature. Hmmm

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