To celebrate or not to celebrate

by Dubby 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dubby

    I wonder how much validity is in the WT teaching that it's wrong to celebrate holidays. Did Jesus followers in the first century really not get involved in nationalistic activities? Is the celebration of one's nations independence at odds with Jesus and the apostle's teachings?

    The bible doesn't say "don't celebrate this or that," or does it? Did the WT Society develop their teachings of holiday prohibitions just to be different and exclusive? Is the WT Society guilty of going beyond the teachings of Christ as Paul mentioned? Just because the bible doesn't mention certain celebrations in connection with true worship, does this prohibit Christians from partaking? Obviously there are activities that could be labeled "un-Christian", but others don't seem to have an obvious anti-Christian or un-Christian connection. Just some thoughts that are rattling around in the ol' bean.

    "Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike!"

  • waiting

    I really haven't thought about it, Dubby. However, I've seen it written that if you put up a Christmas tree - it's a surefire way to "consider yourself DA'd" and have the elders knocking on your door.

    My son said he was going to put Rudolph & Co. up on my roof this winter. I really just don't see myself as the Santa Claus-on-the-roof type.

  • SolidSender

    Waiting – if your son is serious about going ahead with the Rudolph plan I’d get the elders to send out your DA papers asap – you’ll be needing them-SolidSender.

  • SolidSender

    Dubby – there is as much validity in WTBTS teaching in this or any matter as there are in the teachings of any the man made and led, hierarchy based organized religions on earth today. To my mind the central issue is – are you going to make up your own mind or have someone else do it for you, is it really harder than this or am I missing something?-SolidSender

  • Frenchy

    Solid: I think it's more difficult than that, yes. No (sane) person makes decisions independently of the rest of mankind. We are by design (nature, if you prefer) influenced by what others say. We take this into account and frankly we would be foolish if we did not. So the result of what we end up believing is partly because of what others say (think).

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Frenchy

    Waiting: Solid is right about being ready for a confrontation. While serving as an elder I was part of a committee that disfellowshipped a young sister for celebrating Christmas. The 'friends' drove by her house and saw the tree in the window. We met with her and she was adamant about celebrating the holiday and she was DF'd. It was quick and simple.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • waiting

    Thanks y'all. Trust me, I, even though I might not be any type of JW, am not the type for Santa Claus. A tree? Yes. But I understand the implications - and I also remember my learning lessons well.

    At this point, I have no reason, nor inclination, to start celebrating holidays. However, someone quoted Martin Luther as the one who thought it was neat to put candle lites on an evergreen - he thought it looked like the universe. I've never really read anything that suggested other than Babylon worship, but then I've never read anything besides the WTBTS about holidays.

    I think I'll just stay lookin' like a Plain Person.

  • Dubby


    There is too much that the bible doesn't say for the WT Society to decide for us what not to celebrate, Imo. I have already celebrated most of the holidays. I feel not a twinge of guilt for doing so. I guess I'm intrigued with the Society's convoluted reasons for not participating in some holidays.

    So what if there is pagan roots to some holidays. Did Jesus say to not celebrate holidays with pagan roots?

  • Andyman

    Up until the thirties the society celebrated holidays just like everybody else. Jesus was supposed to have given them all authourity because they were the "ONLY" ones doing things the right way. Well at that time they were still celebrating the holidays, including Christmas and birthdays.

    My opinion is that the "JUDGE" was a lonely man who had a drinking problem. His wife and son lived clear across the country. This makes a person very unhappy during the holidays. I believe this had a lot to do with the holiday "ban".

    My own opinion is that it should be up to the indvidual whether they celebrate or not. Romans 14 talks about it being a matter between you and God, nobody else should be pushing their opinions on you.

    Those who want to celebrate should not invite those who don't over to get them involved, and those who don't want to celebrate shouldn't be out condeming those who do celebrate.

    This is my opinion on the issue.

    As for the 4th of July, well this is the day this country declared it's independance. This is the day that the U.S. signed the Declaration of Independance which gives us all the freedoms we have today. Without these freedoms the WBTS would not exist. The society uses the "freedoms" of this country to promot their beliefs, yet condems those who celebrate this freedom. I don't agree with them.

    I took us years to get out of the JW mind set about holidays, but we feel that it is between us and our creator, not the boys in New York.

    As for the 4th, well lets just say that my kids can hardly wait for night fall!!

    Take care.


  • waiting

    Wow.....the most, or least, I've done in 30 years till now was send a birthday card to my sister when she turned 50.

    I do think we should acknowledge mother's day - being a mother 3 times over. I earned it. I told my kids that (they're not in the truth) and they just rolled their eyes. No gifts were forthcoming, however, because they said they didn't want to offend my conscience. Cheap kids.

    Edited by - waiting on 4 July 2000 13:57:47

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