William Miller

by lepavoux 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lepavoux

    " This is the man who made it all happen" Type this in.

    This is how the Watchtower Organization began!!

  • sir82

    I remember seeing an illustration, I think it was from Miller or someone associated with him, outlining "lines of reasoning" pointing to his 1843 date.

    As I recall, at least half the "lines of evidence" were similar or identical to JW "lines of evidence" for 1914 (obviously adjusted slightly for the 70 year difference).

    After a quick google search, yep, here it is:


  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Interesting too is that he traveled about giving public talks and at the same time sold his own book.

    What does the bible say about false prophets ?

  • slimboyfat

    I read that when 1844 failed to materialise William Miller toured the country apologising for misleading people, saying it was a genuine mistake, which probably deserve some credit, if true.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Good point Slim

    But a I wonder if he returned the money people gave him for his book.

    The luring theology contained in his book was of course was the return of Christ and the great rapture.

    Similar to the doctrinal teachings of the WTS. to attract attention to their literature.

    These men should have taken to heart and acceptance when Jesus said no one knows of the time not even he.

  • JoenB75

    One important thang in Bible reading is audience relevance. We may believe the Bible is written for us but it certainly isnt written to us. We are reading someone elses mail. Whatever the Bible says we have to remember the original audience. I am not sure Russell / Rutherford / Miller etc paid attention in audience relevance class

  • vienne

    Millennialism was alive and well in American way before Miller. Russell wasn't a Millerite but an age to come millenarian. You really should read mom's books.


  • pistolpete

    Miller had an "IDEA" but it was "PEOPLE" who perpetuated his "Idea"

    Miller's prophesy failed. He was done, it was over, cased CLOSED.

    But there are always some nutty followers that just won't let it die .

    George Storrs, George Stetson, and Nelson Barbour were staunch Millerite Adventist who just wouldn't let the "Idea" DIE. Nelson Barbour spread this propaganda to Charles Taze Russell who in turn spread it to Judge Rutherford who in turn handed the baton to succeeding men who were more than willing to continue in this 'IDEA" that had FAILED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

    But in all reality, it's People who give LIFE AND BREATH TO CRAZY IDEAS. It's people who keep these ideas alive and well.

    The idea that is actually at fault is not so much the idea that the Watchtower holds. But the real culprit is the idea that THE BIBLE IS GOD'S INSPIRED WORD TO HUMANS.

    Debunk that idea, and all Christianity and Abahamic religions DIE, which include WT.

  • TD

    Miller, Russell, et al tried to make the Bible relevant to a modern audience via the concept of types, which was an interpretational method used even by Jesus himself at times.

    The current crop of leaders have adopted the notion that the Bible is written not just to the immediate audience, but to them personally

  • JoenB75

    I have heard some say Russell's millenium teaching came from Masonite teachings. It sure as Hell did not come from the Bible.

    You probably mean Premillennialism. Russell and JW are premill along with many other Doomsday preachers. Things turn worse and worse and then one day Christ shows up, do some judging and then the millennium starts. At the end of the millennium the great judgment. Amillennialism is the traditionel Catholic and Protestant take where Matt 28:18 marked the beginning of the millennium, the mediator reign. Things will turn worse and worse because man is bad and then one day the millennium ends and an angry Christ shows up and judges. Postmillennialism is the same except things are expected to turn out good with a yet future millennium with miracles and revivals and then one day it ends and Christ shows up and judges. There are other forms like Transmillenialism and Premillennial Preterism

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