Analytical trend after broadcasts?

by juandefiero 17 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • juandefiero


    I'm not sure if you ever share analytics data.

    But I've been noticing a trend. It seems that every time a new JW broadcast, we get a seeming increase in new members the week after.

    Does the data show that?

    If you don't wish to share or don't have the time, I understand. Just interested to know if this trend I've seemingly perceived is backed up by data.

    Thanks! Keep up the good work!

  • KateWild

    I haven't noticed this....but it would be interesting to know if the broadcasts are waking people up.

    If you know the broadcasts woke you up why not tell us on this thread.

    Kate xx

  • juandefiero
    I haven't noticed this....but it would be interesting to know if the broadcasts are waking people up.
    If you know the broadcasts woke you up why not tell us on this thread.

    In my imagined scenario, I'm not sure if it's broadcasts waking people up. I think it could be that some are awake, but stuck in, afraid...but they're lurking. Then they see a ridiculous broadcast like this week's, and they say, "Fk it, I'm joining up."

    DISCLAIMER: (Keep in mind this is pure speculation on my part. I have no evidence to base this on whatsoever other than my perception.)

  • Lostandfound
    What has happened is the opening up to the net for the mass of pre 70s, 80s people who would not be internet savvy but for Borg embracing this black art. Those who never would have known about the depth of stuff re the org now can freely secretly look behind the curtain
  • freemindfade

    Yes I wonder if its a chain reaction, I believe the org has a lot who are uncomfortable with were its going, some maybe lurking, after another wacky broadcast they finally feel so uncomfortable with it they go from lurker to poster, other lurkers see their first posts and are inspired to do the same.

    That's my imagined scenario. If all the people waking up knew how many of them there were they'd probably walk out in droves. This fear of "its just you" is a powerful control tool.

  • DesirousOfChange

    If all the people waking up knew how many of them there were they'd probably walk out in droves.

    I actually think it might be better if they stay "in" -- that is still physically show up and take up space -- but are "out" or at least, leaning that way, and most importantly . . . . . STOP GIVING MONEY!


    Image result for shut off the money


  • All for show
    All for show

    I lurked for a while and was scared to death to make an account in case I was wrong. I thought i was doomed to destruction when making an account.

    Then the more you learn, you realize its all crap, but they may be similar to me. Making an account was 'crossing the line of no return'

  • Vidiot

    DesirousOfChange (to still-in TTATTers) - "...STOP GIVING MONEY!"

    Pretty sure that's already happening.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    After the demise of the magazine page (and the profits which went with them) the GB turned to the Satanic Internet for salvation.

    Alas!............... the Watchtower organisation had appeared plausible to many when written about on the page... but seeing rather than imagining the GB and Santa's little helpers, is embarrassing. Surely this is the harsh reality; it is the visual experience of the Watchtower dystopia which shows exactly what the org is all about. Is this the paradise governance? Are these men your bosses forever? Heaven forfend!

    Had I seen Flodin's crummy demonstration when I was a doubting JW, I know it would have been the last straw for me. Is Flodin an undercover apostate? His manner is that of a man who has had a lobotomy... (the others seem to have various incisions into the temporal lobes).

    Was he subversively telling fellow doubters to "Use your loaf"? Keep up the good work Brother Flodin.

  • done4good

    I am an empiricist, so I always appreciate something more than anecdotes to make a case for something.

    That said, even if the data do point to an uptick in new member activity following a broadcast, all this demonstrates is correlation, not causation. The correlation can be due to any number of reasons, including the most likely reason, in that a broadcast simply raises one's awareness of what is wrong with the organization, and encourages them to post. Very likely these people are already mentally out, and simply overcoming any fears or apprehensions to post.

    It is all good though. The org. is doing more to destroy itself than any "apostate" ever could...


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