WT to Resume In-Person Conventions 2023

by Smiles 18 Replies latest social current

  • blondie

    The WTS does leave themselves a window of opportunity to renege on 2023: Governing Body has decided that, Jehovah willing, we will resume in-person regional conventions in 2023". I wonder how their god will tell them he is not willing?

  • FedUpJW

    I wonder how their god will tell them he is not willing?

    The same way they were told he was willing?

  • blondie

    haha, FedUpJW

  • nowwhat?

    Brothers, remember we are representing Jehovah's organization so make sure you dress appropriately at all times and continue to wear your badge and MASK when socializing and eating after the sessions!

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I clicked on the link and can't see anything about a 2023 convention. Am I missing something?

  • Smiles

    It was a passing news alert link on the jw org website which probably "expired" by design.

    Those JW . org "breaking news" alerts, as was the case here, usually appear for a short time, with no dedicated archive to revisit at jw . org itself. (WT has a reputation for record archive folly)

    A general internet archive may have captured evidence of the headline text before it "expired"

    If you are looking to verify existence the announcement, it was also discussed at a pro-JW forum:


    We can also expect a branch letter to be read for congregations in the near future because evidently Armageddon is not being scheduled for 2023, only more culty conventions.

  • HiddlesWife

    For the same SHADY/COVERT reasons the In-Person KH/CAs plus D2D is reinstalled: WT is LOW on $$$$$, and they want their funding--any damn way they can get it!

  • Smiles

    Resume! Resume! Resume! ...

    even if it means re-redefining the JW "highest sanctity of life" rhetoric WT used to cower down millions of JWs inside their homes for 2 years by fear of viral propaganda.

    There are more cases of active community transmission now than when WT suspended in-person activities.

    Apparently, when cash calls, the GB becomes suddenly willing to have millions of JWs venture out to contract and/or transmit a deadly plague & pestilence during this 'last day of the last/last days'... 💰💸

  • FedUpJW

    I wonder if we will be expected to wear masks for the entire program?

    No doubt about it. Just like they do at the kingdumb halls.

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