Are any of the 1st Cnetury Apostles Still Alive Today ?

by maccauk 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • maccauk

    The second coming was in the 1st century all things have been fulfilled because jesus told them some would still be alive when he returned

  • sir82

    You just can't shut up about this, can you?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here - you're going to invite us to continue the discussion on your facebook page, aren't you?

  • Bobcat

    Which verses are you referring to? It would be helpful if you provided references to prove what you are saying.

  • jookbeard

    Macca I sense as the days/weeks/months/years pass by and your awaiting of this fictional tale of some messiah that is meant to be returning you will end up disillusioned and disappointed, put it to bed buddy, no one is returning, there is no rapture, no launch pad to the heavens, no angles or cherubs, no celestial throne with hoards of angelic beings alongside the messiah and god looking down on us waiting to save us, you'll save yourself so much energy and heartache in the meantime.

  • cofty

    Jesus was a home-wrecker and a false prophet.

  • Diogenesister
    The second coming was in the 1st century all things have been fulfilled because jesus told them some would still be alive when he returned

    Hi Maccuak could you explain how please?( genuine question here honestly don't understand what you believe)

  • cofty

    Oh dear you've gone and done it now!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Oh Christ ...

  • Xanthippe

    So from your Facebook page that you linked to on another thread you used the term Jehovah Witness so I guess you've never been in that cult? Are you here to save our souls? Thanks, but my soul is very happy, I'm doing good.

  • sparrowdown

    Oooh Kaaay.

    Anything more you like to add or is this drive-by evangelism?

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