It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2644 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Must be having fun in Hollywood CA if he hasn't done a video

  • Toblerone5
    So enjoy 2024 Lloyd! And remember, you brought all this on yourself, you ugly toxic man-child.

    DerekMoors your post made me think to do some quick post of all what he did in 2023, months by months. Thanks to the original forum post ,and everybody comments (before we all crash it 😉 ) that will help a lot since he deleted is Twitter acount. Good think a lot of us have copy an paste some of his older tweets here.


    The month started with 387 Patreons , he immediately went on Partreon to do a zoom call and did a lot of Begging . LloydEvansParody did made a bunch of tweet of what was said on that Patreon meeting...this one was interesting

    During that month, on Youtube he did a total of 27 videos(13 Sushi -4 voicemails -3 JW Watch Bulletin- and 2 interviews) That is also the month he started his Uncovered open mic Zagreb.

    this is also the unblocked Patreon post about that begging zoom update. Also a tweet by LloydEvansParody.

  • TonusOH

    DerekMoors: I'm sure that next book he talked about is never gonna materialize

    It depends on how much work is required. I think he really does want to release a revised version or a follow-up, so that he can add his version of the last two years and spend at least a few pages (if not a whole new chapter) griping about how he has been treated.

    If he mentions anything about the past two years, it is prudent to remind him not to libel anyone. Those meager book profits are probably not as far out of reach as the M7 are.

  • Toblerone5

    FEBRUARY 2023

    The month began with 406 Patreons ( funny how today Dec 10 the Patreon number is also 406)

    Thanks to Kim Silvio post on this forum , Feb 9 he did file again for another lawsuit request ?

    On youtube , 19 videos, 3 interviews one with Tibor another one with Mike Rinder 😒, 2 sushi, 6 voicemails, one JW Watch bulletin about Tony Morris departure , and he made a video about his hair color 🙄 and another about his stand up routine...🤮

    Another thing I want to mention he did tried to organizesome sort of Speed Networking ? I quess it was a total FLOP cause he never post anything about that after Fev.

  • Toblerone5

    MARCH 2023

    Not a lot to say about that month. Patreon 402 , 18 Youtube videos 6 voicemails,4 sushi,3 interviews , other random boring one , and he even though he was on a break ,in Budapest 😠 he did do one video from there ,talking about the Hamburg kindom hall shoothing and he manage to have an interview with a tv reporter in ? I forgot wich country ,taking about that like he's a big expert on that subject...🤬

  • Toblerone5

    I think I will skeep APRIL 2023 nothing much happened that month..😁

    Kidding ! Big month with his Patreon numbers, April 1 387 then April 21 593 ! All that because of that video.

    That was followed by the " think are better "video . He upload 25 Youtube videos that month ,and also that was the month that there was a leak of his january letter he wrote to his wife. So just between those 3 things there was a lot of tweets, and post on this forum about all of that.

  • Tamalam

    In answer to the 'how expensive is it to write a book' question, it's similar to 'how long is a piece of string'.

    Writing a book only costs the price of a pen and paper.

    Typing the book costs the use of software, computer and electricity.

    Publishing....? Well, you can upload an E-Book for absolute pittance (if not completely free, depending on the website. Amazon costs money I imagine)

    If you want it published into an actual tangible object, you can self publish a tiny amount (probably in the hundreds) for a reasonable cost. They would be terrible quality and feel extremely cheap.

    Or you could crowd fund for something that looks nicer and is printed in the 1000s...

    Since crowd funding isn't going to go anywhere, I would predict he 'publishes' his next bible in E-book format. Then uses the funds he think he'll get from that to finance a small print run. Maybe he'll offer signings or other perks to try and scrape together some more pennies.

    Regardless of what he goes for, it will not be the pot of gold he thinks it will be.

  • DerekMoors

    Uploading eBooks to amazon is free, except of course they take a percentage of every sale.

    You can also use their print on demand service for paperbacks. Same thing, free to get started but they take a percent of your sales for the cost of printing, shipping, etc.

    His problem is that he's lost a huge audience base with the exJW community. His videos only get a few thousand views, he's not on twitter, his public instagram and Facebook pages are just random pics of his kids with maybe 100+ likes on a good day.

    He also does NOT know how to do this stuff on his own, as anyone who saw the first idea he had as a cover for TRA knows. (I assume Richard Kelly or some other schmuck stepped in with a professional graphic designer.) Sorry but his cover for "how to leave JWs" is also bad, even though I know some exJW just made it up for him. A professional would have taken a hard pass and done it properly.

    Point being, even if he craps out some other book, it won't have much of an audience. I can see a few hundred sales here and there at best, but no one cares what he has to say anymore. He aslo has no idea how to do anything to reach an audience outside his loyal exJW followers and that number is currently very anemic.

  • Toblerone5

    Last 4 months for today

    MAY : 564 Patreons ,made 21 Youtube videos , he sold his car and beg for some artwork for his wall and got none

    JUNE : Patreon 528 , he went on another break in the U.K. 27 Youtube videos but he did 2 convention rebuttal ,Tibor was able to do 16 Sushi with those. June was the month we started the PatreOff Pool .

    JULY: Patreon 500 ,35 Youtube videos (but 25 sushi so 😒) and the 14 there was this

    AUGUST : Patreon 481 , 46 Youtube videos but he was on a "family holidays" ,that would explain the 37 sushi videos🙄 the Begging Banners started to appeared on his videos

    And kim Silvio with the help of Inna and DerekMoors went to court to have acces of LE legal jugement

  • Toblerone5

    By the way just realize in 2023 he went on 4 vacations .

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