My 1 Year Update - I've Been Disfellowshipped One Year Today

by pale.emperor 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Chook

    Pale we all around the world try an empathise and walk this similar journey, the emotional train wrecks we have to pull ourselves from is just heart wrenching, Forgetting our shit past associated with JWs is difficult but little by little it becomes a distant memory. At least you Pale can blame the parents for spoon feeding you this shit, I joined after being duped. But enough of looking backwards, it truly is a noble cause to prevent and save other from joining the cult and Pale you certainly are influential in helping the honest hearted see this family wrecking religion for what it is. Keep conquering friend.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Happy one year out of the cult anniversary. I like your realistic approach to life. Some downs but many ups. It has been 6 1/2 years now for my wife and I still sometimes think about praying before I eat. Also read the same book by Dawkins. It really help me to become a non believer in God. Life for us is good and we have made many new friends. Take care and keep up the good work. Still Totally ADD

  • millie210

    Beautiful post Pale E!

    I had the thought while reading your post that you are so much more ALIVE now. You are making other peoples lives better too by embracing your own.

    I am so happy for you!

  • dubstepped

    Love it P.E.! I'm sorry about the family drama, but your little girl is freaking adorable and she alone is enough reason to get out of the cult. Just think of what this will mean for her life too.

    I think it's great that you examined your life and beliefs and had the courage to face up to what you saw and made needed changes.

    Happy shunniversary to you! I'm glad to count you as a friend even though we've never met. Your progress is a win for all of us.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Dawkins doesn't say anything compelling in my view. He simply taunts things he knows nothing about. In school I read a lot of Albert Camus. Then during the summer I met an old man at a country club, a grounds keeper that smelled like booze, but he was brilliant. Nearly all of his teeth were gone but he was clearly a victim of the bottle. As we talked, he brought up Camus when he saw I was reading a book by the man. Turns out he was a friend of his and worked with him during the war with French intelligence. The two of them were targeted by an enemy agent and given poisoned chocolate. Camus didn't eat any but this man (I'll call him Jack) did. That night Jack became deathly ill and Camus did everything he could to keep him alive. Jack spent most of the night throwing up and even chipped a tooth while they tried to give him something in a bottle.

    Camus and Jack had many discussions on existential matters. But he told me what most people didn't know was that Camus, as he neared the end of his life, had a complete change of heart. He began to again embrace Catholicism and, at the time he was killed in an automobile accident, was even thinking of entering the priesthood.

    Religion is a spiritual thing and one can't prove know God exists through the Spirit and only through the Spirit. James 1:5 states: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbradith not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that waivers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."

    This is a divine promise, and if one asks for wisdom in faith, God is obligated to respond by granting it. It's worth a shot if you're leaning towards atheism.

  • redpilltwice

    Congratulations pale, and yes I remember your 1st post very well, what a ride indeed and what a difference. From JW to atheist in about a year is quite a shift, you overtook me at great speed .

    i got high in Amsterdam

    I lolled at that, good to taste our cultural richess!

    Anyway, I'm glad you still have your litlle princess under your care and have found more peace in your life and had a few opportunities to anti-witness. Thanks for all your contributions to this forum...cheers from the land of the tulips!

  • Tapioca

    Congratulations on a year of hard work, but inestimable rewards! May your voice be the calm and rational voice of love that your daughter will hear whenever she has will be right there with her.

  • John Free
    John Free

    Happy freedomaversary pale emp.

    resistance is NOT futile.

  • Awakening12

    Happy ex-jw anniversary!

    Loved your positive post. It's so good for newbies to see that despite the anxiety of leaving, life does get better. Ups and downs yes, but researching beliefs and questioning long held ideas can free us of the jw bs. Then we can move on and get on with our lives.

  • pale.emperor
    i got high in Amsterdam

    I lolled at that, good to taste our cultural richess!

    Anyway, I'm glad you still have your litlle princess under your care and have found more peace in your life and had a few opportunities to anti-witness. Thanks for all your contributions to this forum...cheers from the land of the tulips!

    Amsterdam is one of my favorite citys. Marijuana aside, i really love the people, those tall houses, the scenery and your transport system which just works. England needs some of that! Oh and Dutch girls . The accent is damn sexy.


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