2021 Regional Convention (will be prerecorded again)

by Designer Stubble 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JeffT

    Have they reminded everyone that this years convention could be the last one?

  • Phizzy

    Whoever writes those Letters must piss themselves laughing at the lies : " many have expressed appreciation...." A couple of nutters may have, the rest of the JW's found it both a chore and a bore.

    Then the Big Lie " Jehovah's evident blessing.......... " What is meant by that is " Whoopee ! we actually made MORE profit this way than if we had staged normal Bore Fests !".

  • BluesBrother

    I get it that stadiums have to be booked early ,but to cancel all conventions worldwide this early?

    Nobody knows what the situation will be next Summer. It may well , and hopefully will ,be safe to meet in many lands by then . If they wanted to ,they would make provisional bookings of venues.

    I take it that they don’t want to meet up, which is surprising ,but suits me fine

  • Funky
    Whoever writes those Letters must piss themselves laughing at the lies : " many have expressed appreciation...." A couple of nutters may have, the rest of the JW's found it both a chore and a bore.

    Actually I believe that.

    Though most JWs would never admit it, going to the 3 day convention in person was an absolutely grueling, exhausting, hell-like experience.

    Travel to the convention city, stay in a budget hotel where you hope there aren't too many bedbugs, wake up at 6 AM to eat your bland standard "hotel breakfast food", sit around in horridly uncomfortable chairs wearing horribly uncomfortable clothes for 8 hours, alternately freezing & sweating as the cavernous building's HVAC rumbles on, then sit in traffic in the parking lot for 45 minutes until you can drive back to the hotel, then drive to an overcrowded chain restaurant & wait an hour for a table to clear up, then drive back to your hotel....

    ...then repeat for the next 2 days.

    Oh, and if you have kids, it's about 50 times worse.

    I suspect most JWs far preferred watching* the convention program on their TVs while sitting on their own sofa wearing shorts & a t-shirt.

    * by "watching" of course I mean having the talking heads drone on in the background while you scroll through instagram, fix yourself some coffee, read your facebook feed, etc.

    This news about the video convention for 2021 will be welcomed by the vast majority of JWs.

  • Magnum

    Looks to me like the full transition to e-religion for them is more of a possibility now.

  • nowwhat?

    What made the conventions tolerable for me was it was always in the city where we lived . so no hotel room with 3 kids etc etc. I would see delegates at the Wal-Mart in the evening getting supplies that were staying at the nearby motels. And to say they looked tired and beat up was an understatement!

  • WTWizard

    I would like that to never go back to normal, but not because of any pandemic. These churches, and that goes for jokehovian witlesses too, are donating energy toward our global enslavement under the worst possible conditions. They need to all be shut down permanently for that, and that includes online as well as in person. And yes, that also goes for synagogues and mosques.

    For sure, I will not be donating anything. They do nothing of any use, so I will give nothing in return. As for creating useful content, I would rather let the coronavirus do it instead of the washtowel. At least that won't intentionally enslave the whole world.


    Jehovah‘s blessing?!?? I knew in my heart they had lost whatever blessings they ever had when they stopped serving danishes and orange juice.


  • Funky


    Sandwiches of the gods.

    That is, if the gods like semi-moldy bologna, green slime that a few half-lives ago approximated lettuce, and bread that was baked during the Hoover administration.

  • Cadellin

    Watch for ensuing uptick in singles shacking up and/or marrying a nonJW. After all, it was always at the conventions that you could scope out potential romances.

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