Logical Fallacy… can I get some help here?

by DATA-DOG 154 Replies latest social current

  • Rocketman123

    It seems like you right wing conspiracy theorists pull information out your asses then say to everyone else you don't know the truth like we do.

    Self confirmation idiocy is what it is.

    Good grief



    Your mental capacity definitely suffered from being a JW. You have no arguments, you can only copy and paste from Google, and you resort to personal attacks.

    You tried to hide your true nature for a few comments at least. I’m glad you tried as long as you did so everyone could see the real you come back out to play.


  • Rocketman123

    Seems like you don't like truthful information countering or opposing your information.

    I think we should let the readers decide who is being intellectually honest and who is not..

    Read though the comments folks, the truth is there to see and understand.

  • Rocketman123

    Do you not remember the Politics surrounding the vaccines?

    Kamala Harris is on video declaring that she would never take a “Trump” vaccine.

    I had to go back a read this, just to reveal and show how dishonest you are .

    Harris was referring to Trump's suggestion of drinking disinfectant, this was his version of a vaccine, she was making a derogatory quip remark against his intelligence, which isn't really that hard to do as the case may be.

    Its a bit ironic that so many people who said we don't need social restrictions and masks eventually ended up in hospital and some dying from the virus.

    Now the anti Vaxers are ending up in the hospital in droves now .

    You just cant fix stupidity

    I think we should have a vaccine for stupidity, there is segment of the population that really need it.


    Your statement about Harris referring to drinking disinfectant is 100% false.

    I’m sure that anyone reading back through any post that contains your rants will form the correct opinion about who is dishonest.


  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Brazil uses a lot of ivermectin- hows it working out for them?

  • TD

    Here is the full quote, in context from the October 7, 2020 Vice Presidential Debate at the University of Utah:

    Susan Page: If the Trump administration approves a vaccine before or after the election, should Americans take it and would you take it?

    Kamala Harris: If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

    TBH, I don't think there's much to take away from this exchange. It was a stupid question and stupid answer


    Nothing except the same old political BS. Vaccines if rolled out by Trump are bad because Orange Man Bad, but vaccines by Grandpa McGropesalot GOOD!

    Dems = GOOD! 🥰

    Repubs = BAD!! 😡


  • Rocketman123

    Your sensationalizing again DD

    You have to admit Trump said some really stupid things about how one could treat this virus.

    But then again that shouldn't be surprising since he said he doesn't believe in science.


    I’m not sensationalizing anything. She was very clear. There are some great clips of Biden dodging the question about whether or not he would take the vaccines. Typical Political BS, or perhaps it was just his dementia kicking in.

    I’ve never said Trump hasn’t said stupid things or done stupid things. You should run for office, you’re pretty good at not answering questions, throwing out red herrings and personal attacks.

    You could have a future in Politics, or be a paid “fact-checker.”


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