What About The Soul?

by Francois 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Hey BB. I do get the impression that there's a lot of shooting from the hip goin on here. Probably because this issue hasn't been as thoroughly wrung out as it should have been.

    Mary there are lots of places that indicate that man has a living soul, and unfortunately that the soul is immortal. I think that the illicit idea that man's soul is immortal is the cause of much misunderstanding.

    I didn't say the soul was unprovable. It may be that it is provable only to one or two at a time, here and there who actually experience touching it. And that's how I see it. And even though what I have been saying here is so non-threatening to the teachings of the WTBTS Still there's their predictable reaction to it. But when a human heart/mind reaches out and makes contact with the divine indwelling. THAT'S WHEN you have used your soul. And your soul has grown via the contact. It is so releasing, fulfilling, and verifying.

    6/9 - What is all this poobla you're referring to? Sounds like a sophomore level class in basic uses of the magic wand. Pooble. Listen folks, I'm not attempting to talk to all of you. I'm not nearly that good. Just as long as I make it, and my children, my family makes it, I will have cotton in Augusta. There are folks here who are vastly better at defending their atheism than I am at projecting my beliefs that we all have a soul. Until you touch your light, that is. Then I will have no more convincing to do.


  • aojumper


    this is a great thread, I like you take on stuff. There is a great website of a total Jesus freik that wil really gives great points to ponder, he has some ideas, that are really good to stop and reflect on www.raptureready.com

    Scooby, I know what you mean about your Dog... One time I went to the barn ( I ride horses) to help the vet put a horse down. It was really hard at first as he gave her the Potasium Chloride and I watched her struggle (she was always a fighter) I almost cried but held it in. They lay her down, and she slowly stops breathing and for a couple of minutes I just went over and stroked her muzzle and choked back the tears. Then it was like an exhale...Something left that body, because she suddenly was just a shell, and it wasn't Echo anymore...

    In the above website the guys speaks of what happens when you die, I forget which FAQ it is but he says he feels confident, that while his dogs have no hope of being ressurected, God will allow him to recall them for his own pleasure in heaven. once again please note that I said this is a good place for points to ponder, not to necesarily believe and hold true to.

    Essie, I prefer to think of people like Hitler being tormented in Hell for eternity. as for those who don't accept Christ according to what I have been told, that's a harder one for me to accept.

    Vivamus, really good point on the subject of truth. It is pompous to assume that we can simply find the truth, though as I believe in God I believe we can find a measure of it in the bible. Away from organizational interpretations.

    Rocket man... I read the parable of the rich man a Lazarus, and the only scripture that comes in ties with it is in Palms 17:14 Wher it says "Oh lord save me from such men, from men of this world whose reward is in this life..." Good, but I think more research is needed. I like your point that parables are from things the Jews knew. So what ties did this have?

    Actually the old testament in the Psalms and Issaih and such speaks of Fire consuming the wicked ones and such. It's very interesting.


  • metatron

    I am strongly leaning towards belief in a soul separate from the body and I'll explain why.

    I have no faith in the commonly unexamined notion that the totality of our complex bodies can be reduced to a mere brief strand

    of genetic code. Indeed, evidence is mounting rapidly that the genes DO NOT contain a complete blueprint for a human being.

    Nor has science been able to account for instinctive abilities that aren't gained thru parental training. ( see The Presence of the

    Past and A New Science of Life). Even the folks at Celera ( genome research) plainly stated that the human genome is NOT

    a "blueprint".

    What remains then, by default, will not be subject to scientific reductionism : hence, some sort of "soul"


  • proplog2


    You are embarking on the same journey as those who are seeking someone at the controls of the universe.

    You've heard of the "God of the Gaps"? As science has progressed and explained more and more natural phenomena - theists have latched on little unexplored or at least unexplained things that must be the "realm" of God's influence. The last book the Watchtower printed on the subject pretty much has God operating in the very narrow region of the balance between the strong and weak force.

    Ancient man thought that the center of control was the "heart". Then the "brain". Now it seems they are looking for something bigger than DNA but smaller than a synapse.

    As others have said - what's the consequence? If there are disembodied souls floating around - what do they do? Are we supposed to take spirit mediums and ouija boards seriously?

    I would love to think that when I died I could linger around completely invisible. It would make death worth while to think that I could spend eternity as a voyeur. I love to watch.

    Scopophiliac Class

  • Carmel

    "Thou has asked Me concerning the nature of the soul. Know, verily, that the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unrael. It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of its Creator, the first to recognize His glory, to cleave to His truth, and to bow down in adoration before Him. If it be faithful to God, it will reflect His light, and will, eventually, return unto Him. If it fail, however, in its allegiance to its Creator, it eill become a victim to self and passion, and will, in the end, sink in their depths."


  • outoftheorg

    Some religious beliefs teach that we have a soul that survives our death and some teach that this soul goes to heaven to be with God. Some teach that this soul then comes back to earth to inhabit another human body.

    I really would like one, or both of these to be correct and true.

    My reason for this, is that I "feel" that to have ones life cut short at around 75 yrs. is grossly unfair.

    We finally get to a point in our lives, where we begin to finally understand some of the aspects of life. Then we die and can not put these things to work. It sucks!!

    I am inclined to believe that these same "feelings" throughout history, is the cause of beliefs in a soul or spirit that survives the body. That even very early mankind found this to be unfair.

    I would just love to take these beliefs and hold them close to my heart for comfort. Even more so as I approach my 68th birthday.

    However the analytic part of my mind keeps telling me, that there is no evidence or backing to use in accepting this belief. None of the bible or other books, regarding these beliefs, seem to be convincing, let alone infalible regarding these beliefs.

    Is there anything to support these beliefs in an acceptable, believable way??


  • Satanus

    At first, it seems strange that animals could have spirits/souls that go somewhere after death. But consider that many birds and animals migrate twice a yr. Heck, even monarch butterflies migrate. While these movements are driven by physical animal apparati, i think that they demonstrate that there could be comparable types of things elsewhere in the uni/metaverse.


  • Abaddon


    ...evidence is mounting rapidly that the genes DO NOT contain a complete blueprint for a human being.

    Please cite the evidence. I would be interested in reading it and responding, but I can't really respond to an unsupported statement.

    Nor has science been able to account for instinctive abilities that aren't gained thru parental training.
    Please give an example, for the same reasons as above.

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