2021-March-S-147-English and German--Announcements And Reminders!

by Atlantis 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    2021-March-S-147--Announcements And Reminders.

    English and German

    Another link:

  • Clarky21

    Wow I couldn't believe one of the announcements on here. If you have extra meetings for scriptural discussion not good. So it affects the unity, the control part of this organisation is extreme, it is only when you have left that you see it

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Good catch Clarky21...the JWs are such controlling freaks as the following demonstrates:

    7. Private Meetings Arranged via Videoconference: “The faithful and discreet slave” has provided practical, Scriptural guidance that highlights principles for individuals to consider when deciding whether to organize or attend a social gathering. (Matt. 24:45-47) Rather than making rules, the emphasis should be on applying Bible principles. When Bible principles are applied, social gatherings can be refreshing and bring honor to Jehovah.—1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 31, 32.

    8. While there is no objection to wholesome social gatherings, we have received reports that some have begun to arrange additional meetings and events for spiritual instruction, even beginning and ending such meetings with prayer. While the individuals organizing and participating in such meetings likely are well-intentioned, there is no provision for such arrangements.

    9. Jehovah’s people receive ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions as well as through JW Broadcasting and our publications. Under the guidance of his holy spirit and on the basis of his Word of truth, Jehovah provides what is needed through the faithful and discreet slave. Care should be taken not to organize or promote meetings for spiritual feeding beyond what has been provided by the organization. Such meetings could detract from what Jesus Christ is accom-plishing through his congregation on earth today. Adhering to this direction will help all of God’s people to “be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought” and to remain “stabilized in the faith.”—1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 2:6, 7."

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ...thank you Atlantis & Petra...y'all are awesome!

  • Atlantis


    They have never liked the idea of JW's meeting in "extra" meetings or study groups. They want to make sure the rank & file are always under the "spiritual" thumb of the Tower. Independent study groups were taboo. Back in the 80's meeting privately caused quite a stink at Bethel. A lot of the folks here remember all that stuff.


  • Atlantis

    JW GoneBad:

    Thanks for all that typing and info! Petra is doing very well. She sends all of you a big squeeeeeeeeeeeezz and hug!


  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Explains why my wife tuned in and yhere was only a cursory comment and prayer. She looked forward to some video and discussion.

    Now, how to tell her I know why

  • truth_b_known

    If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses and attend a social gathering of other Witnesses you better not talk about "spiritual" things.

    I do not recall the book, but there was a Watchtower publication being covered in the Book Study (remember those days?) back in the early 1990's that stated Bible discussions outside the "normal arrangement" were precursors to apostasy. I remember back at that time my parents would invite various couples over from the congregation on the weekends to have dinner or cake and coffee. My father would pull out his Bible and share things he discovered in his personal studies. It didn't take long before he was called before a judicial committee. My father was disfellowshipped as a result.

    This "reminder" does remind us of one very important thing - it's a high control group, also known as a cult.

    Watchtower claims -

    • Jehovah uses his holy spirit to provide what we need to the 8 men in New York who have self-proclaimed themselves "the Faith and Discreet Slave"
    • These 8 men in New York in turn give us what God has determined as what we need
    • The meetings we (Watchtower) provide provide "ample" spiritual instruction and encouragement

    Read between the lines; If you aren't feeling spiritually satisfied with the meetings, JW.com, and reading Watchtower publications on your own there is something wrong with you. Seek additional instruction and encouragement outside of this and you are an enemy of God.

  • projecthydra
  • Atlantis

    road to nowhere:



    Thank you very much for your comments and assistance.

    The drinks are on the house!


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