Start of the Great Tribulation will be announced soon

by joey jojo 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo


    At the 2021 annual meeting, Samuel Herd revealed new light and claimed the anointed will all have passed away before Armageddon. It has since been revealed that while they will die before Armageddon, there will be some anointed still around that will witness the start of the great tribulation.

    So the question is, how many years until the existing members of the governing body have passed away?

    Im not a doctor, but based on their age and various stages of obesity, Im thinking 10- 15 years- give or take, sounds about right.

    With that in mind, the great tribulation could be announced any day.

    The new understanding has now freed the org from the burden of having to identify a particular generation in relation to the date of armageddon. The overlapping generations understanding is now irrelevant. The anointed dying BEFORE armageddon changes everything.

    There is no longer any need for the governing body to be stacked with ever younger members in order to prolong the 'generation' requirement.

    From the viewpoint of the org, the beautiful part about the new light is that the great tribulation has no set time, it is indefinite and it doesnt matter how long it lasts before armageddon. They may even declare the great tribulation is the new normal of the world condition, making the switch from 'we are living in the last days' to 'we are living in the great tribulation'.

    After the present anointed are gone, the org will be run by helpers, with no doctrinal pressure for armageddon to occur in relation to any group of people being alive to witness it.

  • Simon

    They will soon be dead, buried and just a footnote in their literature ... like all the other leaders and governing body members before them.

    They are just men. Clueless men. Pretending to be important.

    Their passing will be of no significance whatsoever other than acting as an opening to some other climber of that particular corporate ladder.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    The overlapping generations understanding is now irrelevant. The anointed dying BEFORE armageddon changes everything.

    I see what you are saying. Problem is that the numbers of annointed keeps growing every year.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    The overlapping generations understanding is now irrelevant. The anointed dying BEFORE armageddon changes everything.

    I see what you are saying. Problem is that the numbers of annointed keeps growing every year."

    I thought about that, but the GB made it clear a long time ago that they dont maintain a network of anointed to reveal doctrine. I think it was a talk by Geoffrey Jackson.

    According to the GB, the only anointed that really count are themselves, all the rest are irrelevant.

  • Simon
    Problem is that the numbers of annointed keeps growing every year.

    The whole idea of the anointed class was invented long before todays "self-declare you are special" society where people just love to self-identify as something that has some desirable label attached, like "minority", "oppressed" or "ruler of the universe".

    So now the number will forever go up until they come up with some other belief. The obvious fix is to make the 144,000 into a figurative number, to remove the inconvenient math.

    Incidentally, more early Christians died than that and all were anointed because it was way before 1914. So apparently people were loyal to the point of death but they weren't "genuine"? The math never worked.

  • waton

    Jesus, in his end time prophecy [about jerusalem] did not set those terms at all. He said instead, his generation, including the soon to be anointed listeners, , would


    until all the the prophecy is to be fulfilled. so:

    sorry anointed, you can flee to the mountains, hide, but your prophecy is wrong, the generation will survive. not pass away at the outset of the Great Tribulation. it is a great travesty, false prophecy instead. .

  • waton
    So apparently people were loyal to the point of death but they weren't "genuine"? anointed?

    Simon, right. One could be burned at the stake but squeezed out of that limited number of partaker slots available, and besides, you could be a bible writer, like James, and Paul, but not be part of the feeding Faithful and Discreet Slave,

    There seems to be no limit to the arrogance and self aggrandizement, disdain for others among the wt elite.

  • Foolednomore

    What about The King of the North and South? GOG of Magog ? Types and anti Types? I'm still getting over the 75' crap.

    Watchtower can't predict it's own way out of a paper bag. Never get it right.

  • Fisherman

    self-declare you are special"


    Granted that anybody can make that claim that they are anointed—and who knows whether the claim is true.

    But the Bible does say that there is an elite group that goes to heaven whoever they are and that not everyone goes to heaven. Whether or not the Bible is true and whether or not the JW so called anointed class is real, the Bible says that the Apostles and others go to heaven.

  • ozziepost

    It is threads like this that leave me incredulous - how did I , how did WE ever believe this stuff ?

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