Prime Minister of Australia announces intention to revoke Jehovah’s Witnesses charity status

by jwleaks 41 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Diogenesister
    400When it comes to money they will find a way around it. Move Aussie operations to NZ maybe and donations to the US. Who knows?

    Yup. They'll find some way. They'll get JWs to donate directly to the US fund online or some such.

    As to the reasons for not joining its nothing to do with finances.

    It's the whole "interfaith" thing, for one. Not admitting publicly they have a problem and not wamting the faithful to know their donations are going to pay off paedophile cases.

    But the absolute priority for Watchtower is to protect their reputation among rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They must maintain the pretense that they are special and different to other religions, or bang goes their claim that they are Jehovahs organization.

    Without that illusion they are, and have, nothing.

  • LongHairGal


    I totally agree with the idea that at this point - all the religion cares about is their reputation in the eyes of whatever followers they have left.

    I don’t believe there is any interest whatsoever in anybody there (of whatever age) who was wronged by anybody, any policy, etc.. Also, those who sadly fell for peer pressure to be in full time ministry and didn’t get a career..and are now panicked at retirement age with No preparation? ..Oh well!🤷🏼‍♀️. Older JWs who don’t like what’s happened there in the last decade or so and are wishing for the good old days.. too bad.

    Father Time will take care of that and anybody else who knows too much.

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