The Lady of Shalott

by Seven 16 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seven

    My fav Waterhouse:


  • Pathofthorns

    I'm no art critic, but the painting was very beautiful. Interesting emotion in her face and great colours in the blanket or whatever she is sitting on in the boat. :)


  • Seven

    Path, This painting is haunting. It portrays one of those Arthurian tales of a lady who was cursed never to look directly at anything outside of her window. She was only allowed to view the world by looking at it's reflections from her mirror. One day the hottie Sir Lancelot passed by her window and she became obcessed-she had to meet him. She went down to the river, finds a boat, scrawls her name on the front of it figuring she'd die before she got there and floats toward Camelot singing. She dies before she reaches the shore. A crowd gathered around the boat including Sir Lancelot who had no clue what happened-commenting what a shame this was because she was such a babe. What a twit.

  • Pathofthorns

    Thanks Seven (LOL)

    Like I said, I'm no art critic. (I wish I had your neat explaination before I made my lame reply).

    (The colours are still cool though)


  • Frenchy
    ...Sir Lancelot who had no clue what happened-commenting what a shame this was because she was such a babe. What a twit.

    I must say, fair lady, that though I never personally cared for that Lancelot fellow 'tis the first I have ever heard him called 'a twit'. Pray tell, do you know the whole of the story of the maid?
    The French Knight

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

    Edited by - Frenchy on 4 July 2000 9:46:14

  • Seven

    My dear French Knight, I do not know the whole story of the maid, however I do know something about Lancelot's inability to keep it in his armor. He betrayed Arthur with Guinnevere-remember? I think he's deserves to be labeled a twit IMO.

  • Frenchy

    Ah, yes, Guinnevere! I cared less for that creature than the knight that betrayed his king! But I would gladly conquer a kingdom for thee, fair Seven!

    The French Knight.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Seven

    With lines like that Frenchy, methinks you would have gotten over quite well in days of old.

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:23:19

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:24:35

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