Request for Research Help: WTS Views on Intersex Individuals

by Oubliette 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Anders, wow, That's quite a story.

    It must be very difficult for this person to maintain as a JW. I can only imagine.

    I suppose it's impossible, but I would love to interview your friend and learn more about her experience.

    I don't suppose we'll ever be reading about it as a "life story" in the WT or the Awake!

  • RubaDub

    I don't have my latest Watchtower CD handy but I do recall the article.

    If I remember correctly, it said that if anyone had both sets of genitalia, then the person should be chaperoned at all times. If the person was alone for more than two hours or slept alone overnight, the elders could consider that a presumption of fornication and form a judicial committee.

    Rub a Dub

  • Oubliette

    RubaDub, yeah the WT Leaders are just about that crazy, but I'm actually trying to take a serious look at this issue.

    Mans while poking fun at the lunacy of the Borg is also one of my pastimes, it would be good to show some sensitivity to the people that already have enough to deal with without the WT's ridiculous policies

    If you have some actual references to contribute, that would be great!

  • RubaDub

    If you have some actual references to contribute, that would be great!

    Oubliette ...

    I think another carafe of chardonnay will trigger some specifics in my mind.

    Rub a Dub

  • Oubliette

    Rub a Dub,

    Then drink up!


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    Since I followed this from a distance, I don't know how she was really treated during the transition, and how she it treated now.

    We have been out of touch for 20 years, and I don't think giving you her contact information out of the blue is the right thing to do (for her).

  • Oubliette


    I wasn't actually expecting that I would be able to interview her, I was just musing that it would be really informative and interesting to interview her and learn more about her experience if I could.

    As I wrote on the previous page, a few quick calculations show that there should be thousands of such individuals in the organization, tens of thousands over the last century!

  • KateWild


    This is a really interesting topic. I do remember the article in 2011 that someone has already posted about.

    I look forward to reading your paper if you write one.

    Kate xx

  • Oubliette
    Kate, you got it!
  • Marcial
    Wake up in French in June 8, 1953 _ there is a section which deals with sex surgery. This magazine should return four months back with the English version "awake" of February 1953Marcial

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