Child Discipline, new article to address Jackson's Royal Commission testimony

by jwfacts 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SecretSlaveClass
    Well researched, written and presented!
  • cognac

    Thank you Paul.

    As a side note, it's unbelievable to me how their policies have hurt so many kids, and they get to just lie and act like they didn't promote this type of punishment. I get a lot of parents did it back then, but, pressure from them to enact this sort of punishment certainly exasperated the situation and they need to own up to it. You don't just get to lie because everyone did it back then.

  • freemindfade

    I particularly like this bit from the back and forth

    Q. Well, what you are telling me, as I understand it, is that your religion, your church, is prepared to interpret the Bible having regard to contemporary social attitudes and standards; is that right?
    A. Obviously, your Honour, we need to take that into consideration, but the primary responsibility we have is to think what does Jehovah God mean by this, and we look at other scriptures. One of the problems that many folk have when they read the Bible is they take one verse and they assume it means something out of context or not in reference to other scriptures.

    This us a great set up for the two witness rule. That goes against what Jackson is saying here and they walked him right into it.

    Paul will you be doing more off the ARC? Some of the other contradictions?

  • SecretSlaveClass
    Paul will you be doing more off the ARC? Some of the other contradictions?

    I hope so. If anyone could get the ARC's attention, Paul could - he's bloody good at this!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Also having evidence of the GB dishonesty and contempt shown to the system should make sure the RC does not go soft on its condemnation of their practices and its recommendations for change

    Hey, WT: "Paybacks" are a bitch.

    Do you think they realize that if they had not treated those who desired to leave the Org with harshness and punitive action, most would have simply "walked away" and gone on with life. (I think this is what Paul at jwfacts actually asked of them.) By the harsh actions of the WTS, they created an "army" of 1,000s or perhaps 10,000s who find no greater satisfaction than retaliating against them in any way possible.

    "You reap what you sow."


  • LoveUniHateExams

    Excellent article, Paul.

    Good research and well put together.

  • KiddingMe
    Great article. Thank you!
  • clarity

    Excellent Paul ....just to quickly add, as with so many of 'watchtower behaviours' ....... there are additional unwritten motivational factors.

    During a WT study it may be said that "the rod" is not necessarily a spanking, but the point is taken, especially when red faced parents drag their kids to the back for the big wallop! This ritual is 'infectious'! The WT go to answer! As mild & caring a mother as I was, it got to me. The pressure to perform all the activities mandated by WT & to keep it up was a nightmare really, and sometimes something had to give.

    Looking back I am appalled that we fell for the lie of watchtower's importance ........


  • notjustyet

    Anyone remember the stories we would hear at the conventions and meeting about the little child who was acting up in the Kingdom Hall and when the parent would take the child to the back the child would say out loud " Help me Jehovah!! Help me!!"

    All the people in the audience would start giggling knowing that the child was about to get a spanking.

    If you could find that story in print or in a talk it would help show the WTBTS and also that the Rank and File agreed with it.


  • Londo111

    This brings back memories of being hand, belt, switch, paddle, foot, shoe, metal rod. And of the many children I saw and heard get "disciplined" over the years because they found it hard to sit through a meeting that even adults found excruciatingly boring.

    As a JW, I remember physical discipline was a given in regard how children should be punished. Parents were encouraged to be a little more discreet when spanking their children at the Kingdom Hall...too many were doing it outside, in view of passing cars and feedback from outsiders was coming back to that regard.

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