How Many Refused To Meet With The Elders When Told They Wanted To Talk?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Any elders buggin' you lately??

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    Just tell them you are not a JW and buzz off. They have nothing to do with your life. Tell them straight up that they are not YOUR ELDERS, your PRIESTS or SHEPERDS.

    "Take a hike, I'm not interested in your religion."

    They can't DF you. They are simply janitors dressed up FOR a self appointed mission from God.

    You are free. Just tell them you'll call the cops if they harrass/stalk you again.


  • unbeliever

    Those stupid elders were always trying to get something on me. I honestly think there was one elder in particular really had it in for me. He was always strongly encouraging me to get baptized but at the same time always told me how spiritually weak I was. I think he wanted me to get baptized so he could df me. It drove him crazy that he never could get to me because I was not baptized. I did not give a shit if I got my "privileges" taken away and he knew it. The older I got the more defiant I became. Around 15 I refused to meet with them at all. I had no qualms about telling them to f**k off especially that one particular elder. My mom went running to him when she found out I read COC. I refused to even acknowledge him. To this day I am considered to be an apostate by witnesses even though I was never baptized. On the other hand many will look the other way (my mother for instance) and associate with me because I was never baptized.

  • bikerchic

    Me I've done it twice since I've left the b'Org. For all I know I've been DF'ed although no one has told me but then none of the JW's talk to me.....humm, ya think maybe I was DF'ed? Oh well who cares, not me!

  • minimus

    I think they're just as effective, if they can totally shun you and treat you like a df'd one while not announcing your name.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I refused to talk to the elders when I started missing all the meetings last year, but they were very insistent, and called by or phoned 2 or 3 times a week, so I sent a da letter. They stopped calling or phoning after that.

  • morty

    Have you ever just not dealt with the elders if they told you they wanted to talk to you? You know, did ya just "blow them off"?

    Naaaaw, would never miss an opportunity like that....but, while being questioned by them and some certain elders trying to squeeze me to "rat" out on some folks, I had no trouble talking about which elders/sisters were blowing who .....

    The silence was golden was for that minute...

    They learned very quickly that this young 16 year old had no problem speaking her mind at times....

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