i need some advice

by SpunkedTeen 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkedTeen

    Yesterday i finally confronted my mom with my research about the WTBTS being registered with the UN as a ngo for ten years.She didn't get angry at all but she says she doesn't want to doubt the organization, i asked her if she realizes that if this is true what it means and she replied by saying she believes she has found the truth and that satan wants me to turn away from the organization.She also said that apostates make these very clever looking articles to lure us away.I told her that i avoided all apostate websites(which i did) and went straight to the UN which confirmed it.I asked her to do her own research on the matter but she refuses to saying she is not going to live her life having doubts about the borg. I don't think i can wake her up ,especially if she doesn't even want to think that the organization is not "God's earthly organization".

    I was thinking that now that she knows about my doubts i can disassociate myself but as i only turned 18 this week and have nowhere to go if she kicks me out the house(my entire family are j-dubs) i don't know what to do to move forward from this point .Do any of you have any advice for me ? thanks in advance.

  • freemindfade

    My advice

    Slow down.

    Take a deep breath and try to stabilize things and make cool headed calculated decisions on what you will do. Be in control. You have time now.

    and this:

    she doesn't want to doubt the organization

    Is the way most witnesses feel, most would never want to know TTATT. If its wrong, they lose their dream, for many their lives work, their hope, they will feel incredibly "duped" as many of us do, and its too much to bare. This is in affect saying i want to stay asleep and blind because the alternative is too scary for me.

    Good luck

  • KateWild

    Are you working or at university?

    Can you afford to move out and be self sufficient?

    If not then stay home until you are in stable employment. Keep you're doubts to the site here.

    Moving out is a big step you need to prepare for it.

    Take care

    Kate xx

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    You will need to a) not dig the hole deeper, & b) carefully fade.

    If you d/a, then be prepared for your parents' possible backlash. You'll know better.

    Just remember - if you are officially out, other J.W.'s will boycott your parents' home, in order to avoid Beelzebub's seed! But not if you've just faded. Plan your course calmly.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Take your time and make your plans.

    i can disassociate myself but as i only turned 18 this week and have nowhere to go if she kicks me out the house(my entire family are j-dubs) i don't know what to do to move forward from this point.

    Mom has told you how she feels, and she's not looking to run for the WT exit. Instead of spending more energy in that direction, you need to make your own plans besides disassociation and getting kicked out of the house.

    What do you want for yourself in 5, 10, 25 years? Education? Career? Family? There is no armageddon coming and your WT indoctrinated family isn't going to make wise plans for your future when you turn 50.

  • punkofnice

    Hello teeny. You are still young...in my eyes anyway. You are younger than my youngest son.

    You have established your Mum's views here. She wishes to remain deluded for whatever reason. Her confirmation bias will probably mean that no matter how convincing the evidence is, if she wanted to believe there is a green unicorn living in her ear, she would do.

    So, why would you want to disassociate? Disassociation is a watchtower corporation term. It is their criteria. This is you agreeing to, and playing by the watchtower corporations own rules.

    If you stand to lose so much, why not just say no more and fade? Bide your time until you are in a position to make your move.

  • SecretSlaveClass

    Sorry Billy another accidental dislike. Of course I agree with you and it's spot on advice, as the others are too.

    These fat fingers of mine are trouble makers ...

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Keep your mouth shut until such time that you have a good plan to move out and live a good life outside of the Org.


  • steve2

    In my opinion, you have a moral duty to respect your parents' rules and regulations for living with them. It goes with the territory.

    • It doesn't mean you have to slavishly go along, but it does mean you slow right down.

    For starters, your Mom's reaction is perfectly normal for anyone who has declared what their religious beliefs are. There is more than a grain of truth in what she says to you (although she doesn't realize those grains also applies to JW organization!): "Yes, Mom, it is relatively easy to be selective with information to create an unjustifiably bad impression". Then you can think to yourself: "Look at the biased picture the organization paints of ex0JWs". So when your Mom says you've got to be careful, I would verbalize agreement with her. And then get on with your day.

    • Beyond that, time is on your side.

    Given that this system has not ended and will not end (at least anytime soon), time is literally on your side. You are 18. Across the years, if not decades, you yourself will witness lots and lots of changes not just in JW organization but in your own situation and community.

    • There is no urgency, no emergency.

    Leave your mother alone with her chosen delusion. You have no right to shake her free of it. Do not be like a JW who seeks every opportunity to preach - even to people they know are not interested.

    These are interesting times for JW organization and, if you play your cards right, you'll observe many, many changes in the organization firsthand, then when you can support yourself, you'll be in a perfect position to decide your next step.

    In the meantime - and with all due respect - keep your views to yourself in your parents' household - unless your Mom verbalizes genuine interest - but even then, be cautious. Many a fly has been caught with the sweetness of honey.

  • Olivia Wilde
    Olivia Wilde

    Use your time wisely and plan to go to a college or university if you can while living at home to get your feet prepared for the real life outside the Organization.

    You can't convince anyone about your research no matter how many facts you show them, the mind is a powerful thing and your Mom invested time/years in the WT and just by her comments gives you a clear clue she won't doubt this org. This organization teaches that if you have "doubts" you are weak and allowing room for "Satan".

    It's a great thing you discovered this at a young age because you won't waste years in the WT since they don't like higher education, but rather earn yourself a good education, good job and great future. Just think by 22-23 you would be able to finish a career and find a good job, those are years you won't get back if you spend them like this Org wants you too... What age did you get baptized?

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