The broadcast has shocked me, because the others are called "outsiders"
So there is distinction between the "disciples of Jesus" "preachers" in the parable and the "outsiders".
A religion that has it necessary to explain to its followers what is neighbourly love and labels them "outsiders" is strange. The Samaritanians are compared to outsiders?
Of course the building of kingdom halls is "sacred service" and not the charity towards outsiders, that is not "sacred service". So why not concentrating your efforts in sacred service than otherwise to let your light shiiiiiinnnnnne, as the bro. beautiful pronounced it.
Than: We have distaster relief service too that is also an activity of neighbourly love, and helping your brothers is neigbourly love too. So help goes first to the sisters and brothers.
So thats good begin this help in disaster, but if that is all, its not sufficient. Where are the regulare compains, like sending pioneers to Lesbos in greece helping the refugees. Only preaching in refugee camps is not sufficient.
"Does not the Management Committee of EAJW in Europe have the power
"to contribute funds to give spiritual and incidental humanitarian assistance in
particular to the poor, the homeless and the sick especially in under-developed
according to its constitution that is known to the United Nations and basis of its charity status?