Do you have J-dar?

by JWdaughter 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JWdaughter

    Today at work I had an interesting set of co workers. One was telling us about her side job selling sex toys(also a l&d nurse). The other one, very beautiful, intelligent woman told us of her 2 kids. Nothing explicitly said, she is from Jamaica originally and I thought she was JW. Just oozed it somehow. Husbands were brought up and she made a sidebar, dismissive remark about her husband being a (wait for it!) Window washer. I knew then that I was talking to a JW. I asked her how she met him. She was touring bethel, in NYC, and it was love at first sight. Long distance romance while she got her nursing training, then she moved here with him and his family.

    How is it that I have J-Dar so interestingly accurate? Do any of you notice this phenomenon in your life?

  • kairos

    I spot them all over town whenever I go out.

  • Simon

    I normally identify them pretty quickly but that maybe because they are either stood on my doorstep with a Watchtower or in the street next to a cart. Once a year you get them on the C-Train going to the convention with their badges on, all looking completely out of place dress-wise.

    But we also have lots of Hutterites round here so the JWs are not actually the most old-fashioned dressed bunch.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    i used to spot them easily--usually women in 2's walking slowly from house to house.
  • JWdaughter
    Non religious context?
  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    J-dar? Hahahahahahaha! Omg, that's hilarious!
  • onightdivine

    Yes, like a gaydar.

    I have yet to test my abilities.. most of the time I can't distinguish (if it isn't field serve-us or meeting day) because most of the people here act, dress up, talk, and love the worldly things.

  • Diogenesister

    J-dar, love it!! Yes, after a fairly short general conversation mine goes off- the clothes are often a give away in london but more often its ending each sentence with a big sigh and a "well what do you expect in this system of things!".😜

    Harder to spot in born-ins that are being co-erced though.

  • smiddy

    An Elder in my congregation said ( ,I kid you not ) ,you can always tell a " witness " because they always have a Kingdom smile on there face .

    Apart from that , when I see a group of people dawdling up or down the street ,or congregating on the corner with no apparent purpose in mind , then I know they are Jehovah`s Witnesses.


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Hutterites? (Edit) Ah! just googled it.

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