And doing God’s will.

by StephaneLaliberte 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StephaneLaliberte

    My father is still in the truth but keeps in touch with me from time to time. The other day, he sent me an email about how the Generation could be a 120 years like it was for Noah. So, I responded saying that it’d be a good thing if it turned out to be true; that he may believe it to be true, as long as he doesn’t judge people who don’t feel the same way. In the end, all that matters is love and good works.

    He responded to my email, and, inline my comment, added “and doing God’s will”.

    This boiled my blood. He obviously meant: Going door to door, regularly attend the meetings, anything related to the JW. So I sent an email outlining how Jesus talked about doing God’s will in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus seemed more concerned about encouraging people to display love in their day to day activities rather than actively take part in their religion. On the contrary, he exposed the religious leaders for their hypocrisy.

    Love and good works (baring good fruits) is “God’s will”. Preaching is to actually encourage people to do God’s will. Religion is intended to help people in doing God’s will. Thus, it is not, in itself, God’s will.

    Anyways, I am oversimplifying a huge email exchange that I had with him to the point that he said he wanted to wrap up that conversation in person as he wasn’t sure he understood what I meant.

    My issue here is that I need to have some respect from my father… If he wants to keep in touch simply to let me know that God is displeased with me, I don’t see the point of keeping that relationship alive. I need him to acknowledge that if one day, I stand in judgement before God, I will have the same odds as any other JWs he knows.

    I felt compelled to leave the JW specifically for their lack of love and their judgmental attitude over everyone. Now, I realize that my own Dad could actually be judging me as displeasing to God simply for not being a JW – nothing else.

  • Dissonant15
    :-( Why can't JW parents just be supportive parents, why do they have to act like religious police? Because they're under mind control, and are that out of touch with their authentic self.
  • Alive!

    I know plenty of witness parents who would communicate in exactly the same way with their children.

    Some close friends of mine have styled their communication with me in the same way - always seeming to need to have the last word about what God's will IS from the WT.

    Its not enough for them to exchange Christian encouragement with someone like me, I have never said I don't believe - they see themselves having to somehow adjust or correct a simple or basic Christian expression with something like your Father would say.

    It kind of rankles ( it used to hurt) knowing they think that the Lord of the Universe has disowned me because I don't attend the KH - although these days I feel a growing sense of pity for them.

  • Vanderhoven7

    You are right. The sermon on the mount clarifies what God's will is.

    Jesus said nothing about going door to door, which neither he nor the apostles ever did. Going door to door to spread a false 1914/1918/1919 mythological gospel has no merit.

    The will and work of God is faith - which always produces the fruit of love in relationship.

    Joh 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

    Joh 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

  • smiddy

    Hi Steph,

    Maybe you could remind your father that C.T.Russell first started this religion in the late 1800`s. The first Watchtower printed in 1879. with his predictions none of which he or any of his successors have ever got right.

    This is the year 2015 as we all know and the first Watchtower under guidance from Jehovah was printed in 1879

    Simple maths ,1879 from 2015 = 136 years

    Noah preached for 120 years ? before the flood ?

    We are 16 years overdue already , with no end in site.

    Armageddon / The New World / Paradise , are all " carrots" dangling in front of the gullible to keep them enslaved to religious charlatans who claim to be Gods only channel of communication to believers.

    We should have all woken up to the fact the minute we saw that the religion originated in America , along with the Mormons , Seventh Day Adventists ,Christadelphians ,Christian Scientists .Assembly Of God . just to name a few .And all claim to be the" Truth"


  • SecretSlaveClass

    I hate to say this to folks in a tight spot with their loved ones, but here goes ...

    The bOrg commands that they put their loyalty to Jehovah before their loved ones. If they are "dedicated" JWs, why would you expect them to put you first? To the "zombies" the bOrg will ALWAYS be their first priority. Having to accept this sucks for sure, but it doesn't and won't change anything unless they decide the bOrg is full of shit themselves.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Your right Smiddy, but then, they would just say that the preaching actually started in 1919 when they were selected by Jesus.

    About 1919, I told my Dad that they believe they (the JWs) were chosen by Jesus, despite their teachings using the pyramid of Gizeh and their erroneous dates. These false teachings were published in books, magazines, flyers, news papers. They even used radio broadcast and the theatre! In addition, they celebrated their birthdays, Christmas, smoked and accepted blood transfusions.

    If Jesus overlooked these things and judged them on their heart and other works, why can't they do the same with people who do not share their belief? Isn't this like the story told by Jesus where a man, after the king forgave his debt, goes after his co-slave and beats him up for the little money he was owed (Matt 18:23-35)?


    Hi Stephane,

    Your dad is responding the same you that you'd respond before your learned the TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH.

    HE is still conditioned to judge.

    Now that you are not, try to show him with your love and actions as opposed to explaining your position as he won;t listen to that.

    just saying

  • StephaneLaliberte

    TTWSYF, you're right. the only problem is that I see him so rarely that he doesn't see what I do with my life. What am I supposed to do when I see him? Give him a list of all the good things I'm doing? Wouldn't that feel like boasting and becoming proud about "being" good?

    My point is that I can be a good father, husband, friend, and worker, etc... yet JW will dismiss all that away as being pointless. That is why I am trying to reason with him, so that he spends more time with me, his grand sons, and actually see what being a good person actually is.

  • Finkelstein
    Exposing the self indulgent lies, ignorance and corruption perpetrated by the leaders of the Watchtower Corporation isn't really that hard. Today the WTS leaders are trying their darnest to create their own self supportive definition of how long a human "Generation" is . Why ? because they are pressed to as a means to uphold the old false doctrine of 1914. Lies ignorance and corruption is how the WTS/JWS grew and expanded, they exploited the naive, gullible and ignorant to pose a artificial identity that their organization is solemnly chosen by god and that the men who are said to be anointed, are receiving god's holy spirit exclusively by no other men presently living. 1914 was a unscripturaly backed doctrine, that's why the majority of Christian based faiths didn't do such a thing, according to Jesus's own words and condemnation about setting dates or times on God's own sacred time. Eventually the WTS leaders will have to drop 1914. right now they spinning up their own version of what is the meaning of the term generation. In the bible's estocology a human generation usually meant the life span of one human being. So for the WTS leaders to stretch this meaning further is being theologically dishonest, but then again the WTS. has had a long history of being dishonest within its operational structure as a religious publishing house.

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