What should we reply when invited to memorial?

by bluesapphire 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoverOfTruth

    I would choose not to attend the annual JW Memorial.

    I would be uncomfortable attending, only to reject taking the emblems.

    Likewise I feel it would also be a mockery to attend the Memorial just to prove a point to the JWs. (Even though it would be tempting to add a little life to a pretty boring meeting)

  • Joyzabel

    My in-laws asked that question and I said: "Why should I go someplace where they kicked me out? They don't want me there." Also: "Have you ever thought about how JWs get over 10 million people to sit there and reject the symbols of Christ!"

    Just food for thought to help them start thinking.


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Do you mean to say that a jay dub actually goes to the trouble to invite you to one of their heathen paganistic rituals? - or does it just mean that I really am an evil wicked nasty person and beyond hope?

    It is really a numbers exercise, and attending only pampers to the jay dub ego as they prance around showing off their bible studies or 'newly interested ones' (just love that phrase to describe someone who is most likely approaching brain dead and in desperate need of a life), or maybe someone who has 'erred' and is now seeking repentence.

    Since I disassociated many years ago I have never (thankfully) been approached by any of the old wise men to help guide me back onto the path of righteousness, but I feel my reply should they ever mistakingly invite me to the big feast would be to say "Why would I even bother to consider it?"

    Let the jo hoes rejoice in their self righteous indulgences - just pity the poor individuals they entrap.

  • Matty

    I haven't got anything to add to this thread other than wow, welcome to the forum Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the_juice!!! What a crazy nic, I love it!

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