The US is not happy with us

by JH 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Since the Canadians didn't vote to support the US against Iraq, I heard on the radio that the US is not too happy with Canada, especially QUEBEC, where I live. In Montreal 200,000 people took to the streets last week to protest against the war in Iraq.

    Trade between Canada and the US could be hurt because of this.

    Do you place Canada in the same category as France and Germany, since we are against the war?

  • kls

    it's every country and i wish person 's choice.i can't say how i feel about this war ,i am undecited.not that us ordinary people have a choice in the matter. the less countries the less bodybags.

  • kls

    forgot this,,,as far as santions,theres enough crap going on . what ever.

  • BadJerry

    Don't heel too bad...took a poll at work (a multi-national workforce) and Canada was unanimously considered the least disliked country in the world. Hope that cheers you up. Oh, and since the U.S. is still supposed to be a Democratic Republic, and I don't remember anyone asking my opinion on the matter, overall, I believe we still like you. Anyway, where else would we get good beer?????????

    This is the "BadJerry"!

  • foreword

    Les Anglais n'ont jamais aimer les Francais, si tu viens du Quebec, tu sais de quoi je parle. Tant mieux s'ils nous detestent, parce que c'est reciproque. Il est grandement temps que nous formions des alliances avec d'autres, ils ne nous pardonneront jamais qu'on se soit opposer a leur petite guerre, crois moi. La, c'est le temps de se separer avant qu'ils le fassent eux.

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Does this mean no more Canadian Beer for The United States Of America? Will RUSH be band from the radio?

    I think the U.S. would be stupid to not be anything but cordial with her fellow citizens of The American Continent. No matter what there differences are.

    Les Anglais n'ont jamais aimer les Francais I am sorry if this is so for Americans because without Lafayette the American Colonies would never have been free of British Rule. I think some forget this. The Bastille Key hangs to this day at Mt.Vernon in George Washington’s home a gift to him from The Marquis.

    The Statue Of Liberty was a gift from France to The United States.

    I think when problems arise in any relationship the 2 parties can feel the strain but to feel so strongly as to say….. La, c'est le temps de se separer avant qu'ils le fassent eux. I hope is premature and just a fear.

    I think for The United States to go against France or French people would be like stabbing themselves in the back. If they do such a thing the Bastille Key should be mailed back…..The Statue Of Liberty Dismantled and returned, History should be erased. Because without French assistance and French Friendship there would have been No United States Of America.

    Now where is my Molson ?

    Gotta Luvz Ya Peoplez!!!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey Canada. Take Off! You hosers, eh.

  • ISP

    There is an obvious link between Canada and France, just like Bush spotted the link between Al Qaeda and Iraq being the letter 'q'.


  • Francois

    Utopian_Raindrops, all that you have said above about France and the United Stated can be said in reverse. And the US saved France's bacon much more recently. Have you ever been out to the Normandy Cemetery and gazed upon all the white croses and Mogen David's? Humbling, ain't it?

  • DJ

    IMO the world isn't divided up between countries with opinions. Aren't we, as individual free to think what we want? I don't think that every person is Canada thinks this war is wrong just as every person in Canada doesn't think that it's right. The government is human and can only speak for themselves with only some of their population agreeing with them. Even they can't agree! Just as in Iraq......all Iraqi's don't love Saddam but some do. I think that most people get this. It's only a fool who would lump an entire country together. I am interested though, in the opinion of the Canadian goiovernment...........what do they think should be done about Saddam. Do they think that he should be left to dictate over the Iraqi's and have murals of the WTC bombing in his city? Doesn't that incite terrorism? Doesn't that show that he approves of Osama? Doesn't that make him a major threat to Americans and anyone who may visit here? What would Canada have the U.S. do about terrorism? Is America wrong to try to defend and protect the people from madmen who think it's fun to kill innocent people? I know that someone may say.......oh yea, well what about innocent Iraqi's??? All that I can say to that is that America and Britian are not purposefully targeting innocent people> they make an extreme effort to protect them. It is the Iraqi's who use their innocent civilians to hide behind because they, yep, even they know that the Brit's and Americans don't want to hurt civilians. What cowards. The Iraqi people deserve better.

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