Just had a thought…

by Vidiot 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    "What they fail to understand is that shunning me is a gift.🎁"

    Like throwing Brer Rabbit in the briar patch. They think they are harming you, but it's exactly what you want!

  • Vidiot
    ThomasMore - “What they fail to understand is that shunning me is a gift.🎁”

    That’s because loyalist True Believers can’t really grasp that these days, more and more XJWs stay away, not because they’re weak, stubborn, or “sinful”…

    …but because they’ve genuinely concluded it’s not The Truth, and want to avoid an environment that’s becoming increasingly toxic to them.

  • Vidiot
    redsetter2 - “…The Great Tribulation will be the ‘end’ of JWs, whether it's in the way they expect it (Jehovah destroying the wicked governments and preserving JWs alive) or the last resort of them shutting things down (over CSA or other horrible scandals)… There's no doubt that JWs will always have a ‘plan b’ for everything.”


    Setting themselves up to be shut down? Some “Plan B”.

    Sounds more like the most passive-aggressive suicide pact in history.


    Makes me wonder what other possible “horrible scandals” could there actually be

    …’cause institutionalized CSA doesn’t leave much more room at the top.

  • Vidiot
    redsetter2- "...the GB are already accepting responsibility that their message will provoke governments to attack them and shut them down. Most PIMI JWs didn't notice this message in the Watchtower, the Governing Body has had this plan for years to wipe themselves out if all else 'fails'."

    “Goddammit, the Trib’s running late, and none of the NWO stormtroopers are burning down our Halls or raiding our basements to round up the sheep! We gotta somehow be even more offensive!”

    Oh, oh, I just had a fun thought…

    …what are the goofiest, most crazy-ass ideas we can come up with for a ridiculous, over-the-top Hail-Mary Hailstone Message?


  • jehovaxx
    With all due respect, isn't being an agnostic a form of "fence sitting"?

    Absolutely it is. It is the course of wisdom. Unless you are absolutely sure about your interpretation of the Bible, and if anybody says that then almost certainly they are not correct.

    PIMA stabilises you. It’s the conclusion the very end result of a lifetime of deep study. If you are not where I am yet then please do more study of all so called experts from all the different religions and beliefs that you can find.

    I have several decades of deep searching and I’ve come to the satisfaction that humans just don’t know and I’m content with that.

    I still have a positive hope in the Bibles promises and I’m free of lies like eternal torture in hell.

    Im now a very old man. Think my best before date is starring me in the face. I will find out very soon what happens after death. Perhaps nothing, this is probably my most likely scenario, maybe the atheists are correct.

    But I find being physically in the JWs benefits me. Having every visit me so much is very encouraging. I do say things that some in the congregation may find cryptic. But they don’t stop to think about what I really mean.

    They tell me how sure they are in the Bibles promises. I say things like “having the hope has really helped me and to keep talking to everyone about the hope is so encouraging”

    The truth is I’m not certain about the interpretation or if the hope is even real, but I find it’s better to have that Hope being agnostic than no hope at all being atheist.

    Are you familiar with Pascal's wager?

    yes. Lots of talk on this forum about it. Whatever you decide about God is a wager even if you don’t think about it at all that is a wager. I’m PIMA that is the wager I’ve decided to place.

    There is possibly some truth to most religious beliefs including JWs. I also feel many benefits to being part of a community even if you don’t necessarily believe it there are still benefits

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    There is possibly some truth to most religious beliefs including JWs. I also feel many benefits to being part of a community even if you don’t necessarily believe it there are still benefits

    Belonging to a group is why people join churches, gyms, clubs etc. Its a very human thing to want support and hang out with like-minded people. And there wouldnt be anything wrong with it except that groups like JW's are toxic and have become more cult-like especially in the last 20 years.

    After the generation doctrine failed, they had a chance to back off, swallow some humble pie and re-assess, but they did the opposite, going so far as to invent new words to describe what a generation is.

    A lot of humans just want to believe in something - anything - that gives them some comfort and peace regarding death. That is normal and most people are happy to let others believe what they want. Then you have JW's that cant leave people alone and expect everyone else to question everything they have ever been taught, cut ties with family and friends and stop all the activities they have enjoyed as family traditions for generations. If a person fails to accomplish that incredibly difficult, life-changing process of changing belief systems and shunning their family, then they are not worthy of life.

    Just dont expect JW's to apply the same critical thinking to their own beliefs.

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