Say goodbye...Armaggedon 15/ 05/ 03

by refiners fire 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Syn. I havent laughed so much in a week. Well done.

  • ozziepost


  • Vivamus

    Thank you smart SYN, I feel better after reading your reassurance that we'll all die. LOL.

  • obiwan

    Does the year 1975 ring any bells?

  • ashitaka
    Ive been looking at an interesting Site by a woman who receives transmissions from aliens called the Zeta.

    Doesn't that just say it all? LOL


  • JamesThomas

    Thank you so much. I feel much better now. Being raised a JW, you just don't feel up to pare unless there's pending doom and destruction hanging over your head. Ah, yes. I can breath now. JamesT

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Many thanks to all commentors. This prophecy is pretty close to the fullfillment date. When the disappointment comes I'll be sure to post up the prophets explanation of why it failed. I bet you the old excuses will rear their heads: invisible fullfillment / right time wrong expectation / the "purity" of the followers affected the outcome

  • SYN

    RF, I'll mark my calender! There's nothing sweeter than shouting "NYAHNYAHNYAH!!!!!!!!" at failed prophecies!

  • pr_capone

    lol @ syn

    No kidding though.... I that is gonna be a fun day! Unfortunately I do not know any Zeta's here in Wichita. I wonder if there are even any here....

    PFC District Overbeer

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    This film of the expected events is not recommended for general consumption,mass panic could result. However, being hardened Apocalypse expectationists I am sure every one here at JW com can cope with the visions of the horrors to come. Youre used to living in fear of imminent doom. (lol)

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