"Mankind's Search for God" book

by My Name is of No Consequence 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    [Edit.. There is a chapter on Islam]

    I am probably confusing that with another publication that was aimed at Hindus I think and the promise was that they would follow it with something aimed at Muslims. It was that that never materialised.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ""I am probably confusing that with another publication that was aimed at Hindus I think and the promise was that they would follow it with something aimed at Muslims. It was that that never materialised. ""

    Great point. I never realized that.

    If this would have materialized,,,,,that would have been unforgivable in the Muslim community.

    That was about the time ''Satanic Verses'' by Salmon Rushdie(sp) was published.

    To this day,,he still has a target on him by the community.

  • eyeslice

    I have just checked jw.org and see that the Mankind's Search for God book is still in their online library.

    It has chapters on many of the world's larger religions and also deals with the Reformation.

    What is interesting is that all of the paragraphs do have 'study' questions, but like most here, I can't recall it ever being studied at the group level.

  • Gorb

    What I heard in the 90’s, that it was ment to be studied at the bookstudy but tthe society changed plans because the book was about other religion doctrine and theology.

    So many wiitness around me those days kept asking when are we going to study the mankind book.

    One of the jw mystery’s.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ""What I heard in the 90’s, that it was ment to be studied at the bookstudy but tthe society changed plans because the book was about other religion doctrine and theology. ""

    Ohhh, so that's what happened to that Mankind's book.

    I was waiting and waiting for it to be 'studied',,,but it never happened. It went ''under the bus''.

    It was forgotten about, instead the Revelation Climax book was covered umpteen times to promote the Borg's propaganda and slanted doctrines.

    Another way the Borg reinvents itself.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Maybe I had used the book to conduct a few Bible study sessions with someone. If I had then that would explain the underlining I have in the first two chapters of the book.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I remember that we did study it and being shocked by the very graphic painting of the man being sacrificed, his heart being ripped out of his chess! To this day, 30 some years later, I remember exactly what it looked like!

    Anyways, I remember that when we studied it, I felt it wasn't going deeply enough into the beliefs of other religions and so, I ended up going to the library and studying about other religions, in particular, catholics. From that moment on, I gained much more respect for other religions and realized that the JW were not that special. I still felt that we were closer to the truth but no longer had the disdain I previously felt for others. It actually had a deep impact on me as I thought that others outside of my religion were just a bunch of idiots and didn't deserve my respect, but that changed. Thanks to that book triggering this reflection in me.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    When the Borg began bad-mouthing other religions and produced the "Mankinds Search for God ", it was about that time when the Satanic Versus by Salmon Rushdie came out and he bad-mouthed the Muslim community. Probably the Borg got spooked by the fall-out as the Muslims had a price on his head.

    I understand he still is in hiding to this day. The Borg likely got spooked by all of this and the book fell under the bus. I could just be speculating.

  • TonusOH

    Rushdie was assaulted last year while giving a speech and stabbed multiple times. His wounds were quite severe but he did survive the attack. I can see why the WTS would tread carefully when making any mention of Islam.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    LOL, of course. Who would have thunk it ????

    It's always about the Borg and protecting it's a$$et$ and behinds over & above everyone and everything else. How could someone overlook that??

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