I love astronomy!!! It's the coolest!!

by DATA-DOG 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Too bad it blows the GB's dogma of a 6,000 year old human race out of the water, as does Science in general. LOL!!

    I love astronomical calculations as they relate to ancient structures. I am also fascinated by computer programs that can calculate the positions of stars and other celestial bodies, and show us exactly where they were 1,000, 2,000, or 10,000 years ago!

    Ancient structures were often built to align with celestial bodies. When scientists examine these structures, they sometimes notice "mistakes" in certain structures. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt were built to have each side align with the four cardinal directions. Super smart dudes, who study this type of thing, noticed that some of the later structures were a bit off.

    Why did these master builders mess up? Well, they used the same method of building during different dynasties. All that time the Galactic North Pole was moving, as was the axis of the Earth, so there was a slight variation on later pyramids. The super smart dudes used computer programs to calculate from the present, to the time when the oldest pyramid's sides were built according to the celestial bodies. This gave them the age of the pyramids! COOL!

    There is no denying the method behind dating theses structures. There is absolutely no denying it. NONE. ZERO. ZIP. ZILCH. NADA. NOT HAPPENING....EVER.

    Let's check this out: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929303-400-worlds-oldest-temple-built-to-worship-the-dog-star/

    11,000 years old!! Oh, snap!!!! TOMO no likey!! Hey, it's not exactly news that the WTBTS is full of crap, but I thought some lurkers or newbies might be interested. Just do some research on ancient structures and how they align with stars. You won't be disappointed.

    Humans have been around longer than the "Channel of God" have led you to believe. Perhaps the most ironic part of it all is that book of Genesis, which the GB supposedly believe, teaches that the heavenly bodies are for measuring times and seasons. ( Genesis 1:14 ) Well, those stars say the GB is full of shit.


  • Sabin
    DD, they got a new globe out, during the day it's the world, at night when you switch it on it show's all the constellation's. You would love it. It look's so pretty in the picture. I think they sell it in the National Geographic shop.
  • Crazyguy
    Satan moved the stars to fool you man, come back to Jehovah
  • cognac
    I was just reading my astrology report then came here and this is the first thread I saw, lol.

    Cognac, I'm just coo' like dat!

    BTW, is your name a "Kojak"reference/pun?? If so, that's awesome.


  • cognac
    Nope, Cognac, as in the hard liquor.

    I got ya. I know what that is. I thought your pic looked like a detective, soooo..., errr....nevermind. I'm an idiot...

    Anyway...I just watched Supergirl! It kicked ass!! She's HOT!!! 😍


  • cognac
    Lol, I was just watching that too! Yup, she's super cute! Only got about 1/2 of it though, need to watch it again, lol.
  • Simon

    Jehovah created the pyramids to look 11,000 years old just as he created the earth with hidden dinosaur bones in it and light from galaxies hundreds of millions of light-years away with photons already on their way.

    <-- what a religiot will believe

    I find these 'incidental proofs' very compelling, they show us what was going on in people's heads way back then and no one would think to fake those things or have the capability of faking them.

  • cognac
    Idk, soooooo..... Astronomy... Yay or nay??? Lol

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