Anyone remember this??

by Fire Dragon 17 Replies latest social current

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Anyone remember this??

    It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

    There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

    He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

    Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

    The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

    "No, sir," continued Ollie.

    "No? And why not?" the senator asked.

    "Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

    "Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

    "By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

    "Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

    "His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

    At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

    "Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

    "And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

    "Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

    The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

    By the way, that senator was Al Gore


    Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."

    However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.

    Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US from all later reports.

  • funkyderek

    Fire Dragon, you're a liar! And you're passing off an urban legend as a first-hand account.

  • Joyzabel

    WOW, FD, I'm sitting here at work reading your thread, while all our mouths are gaping!!! We should have listened to good 'ole Ollie. <sheesh>

    Thanks for posting this.


  • Joyzabel

    ok Derrick, just fling those cute little words out there. Where's your proof that its an urban legend?

    FD, please post where we can see this "news reel" ourselves.

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, Joy...but I don't have a source other than email. This was passed along to me by someone else. Funky may be right. If it is an urban legend, it still serves to bring out the patriot in us all.


  • funkyderek
    ok Derrick, just fling those cute little words out there. Where's your proof that its an urban legend?

    Not that the burden of proof is on me.

    Fire Dragon, patriotism is no excuse for spreading irresponsible rumours, especially when you don't make it clear that you're just passing on an email you received and that you can't verify any of the claims.

  • SixofNine

    FireDragon, I have to admit, I was going to take you to task, and I was going to do it w/o even checking to see if it was an urban legend.

    Goddammit, get thee indignant. Do you really not understand the price of lies?

    Here's what you did so wrong, Fire, you passed this on w/o any explaination that this was NOT you and your class sitting around watching an old video tape. Even if this was all true, this is the way people then go on to pass on urban legends; afterall, "how cool is it that I personally know this girl who found this little factoid. Yep, my personal friend Firedragon and her classmates saw, with their own two eyes, Ollie North saying such and such". But you didn't, and you have to make that clear before we even start reading the rest.

    Patriotism based on lies, just like religion* based on lies, is a burden on this planet, on humanity. You should know that and work to change it, not promulgate it.

    *add to that: loyalty, love, devotion, worship, respect... anthing, for that matter.

    Six~ missed you, btw, class

  • gitasatsangha
    If it is an urban legend, it still serves to bring out the patriot in us all.

    Any person who needs lies and myths to support their own sense of patriotism is an idiot and of no use to a democracy whatsoever.

  • Sentinel

    If I see it, I believe it. If I hear it, I believe it. If someone else is passing along "first-hand" information, with corroborating witnesses, then I tend to believe it. Just because a lot of people believe a lie, doesn't make the lie a truth. History books are filled with lies and half-truths, based on the political sway of the author.

    What makes any of you believe we know or have ever known the real truth about anything?

    Yet faith in things unseen or things not understood is what keeps most of us going from day to day. Go figure.

  • SixofNine

    Yet faith in things unseen or things not understood is what keeps most of us going from day to day. Go figure.

    Ok, I'm trying to go figure. Could you give an example of "faith in things unseen or things not understood" that "keep most of us going from day to day"?

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