Meeting changes - just sad, pathetic

by sir82 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    OK, so let's say you're on the GB. For years, you've been getting hundreds of reports from your hired SS agents, er, COs, about poor midweek meeting attendance, people not showing up for talks, crappy teaching from elders, etc.

    So, you make the determination - OK! We need to revamp the midweek meeting!

    How should we do it?

    Here's a couple of choices:

    1) Revamp everything - make it fresh, interesting, completely new, something actually helpful that people might even want to attend. Make it about stuff that people are really interested in: How should a Christian cope with illness, economic setbacks, discouragement? Maybe we can have true, honest, round-table discussions - no script, no pre-printed answers, just a topic and a handful of scriptures. Maybe a part on the cultural history of Bible times - who wrote the books, what were their life & times like, who was their intended audience?


    2) Let's rename the meeting, shuffle the parts around a little, and add video.

    If you are a normal, rational, caring, compassionate human being, obviously you pick Choice 1.

    If you are a GB member, the choice is obvious: #2.

    Once again, the GB blows a chance at guiding the religion into something that people might actually want to join, or want to remain a part of, without having the threat of isolation from friends and family as the primary enforcement tool.

    Disappointing. Sad. Pathetic. Pick your own words.

  • steve2

    The changes prove their eye remains steadfast on the number one business goal: Remain financially viable whilst appearing to "hear" wider concerns.

    Yes, mid-week meetings have increasingly abysmal attendance rates so "jazz" them up. Give the impression you are hearing the brothers concerns about publishers not showing for their parts on the programme and too many parts for the (small) bodies of elders to handle week-in and week-out.

    Devote one mid-week meeting per month to JW org videos. Yippee! Intended message: Brothers and sisters can have the week off from preparing any presentations. Unintended message: Even more reason to skip the meeting because its "only" videos anyway.

    Me thinks this is like re-arranging the chairs on a famous ship struck by an iceberg.


    I posted this on another thread but I think it belongs in this one:

    Comments that I heard after the meeting yesterday included: "what a nice change" "the organization really knows what we need at the proper time" "its more appealing...I think kids will relate better to the midweek meetings now" and so on and so forth.
    I am sure many of these people were simply saying what they thought they should say and then feel differently in private but its obvious that the GB succeeded again in making a major change (1 magazine a month..WOW) and not causing a ripple.
    Its being seen as progressive.

    It is sad and pathetic and the average rank and file see no problem with it. The brainwashing is so evident.

  • TheListener

    Attendance will bump up from now to December to see the last of the TMS talks and then of course in Jan it will stay bumped up as everyone wants to be involved and see the new meeting in action. Give it 6 months or maybe less and the attendance will drop right back down and everyone will be apathetic again.

    My hope is that further dire financial driven changes are coming down the line.

  • Magwitch

    What has always confused me about the midweek meeting is ....How does anyone do it? What I mean is this.....I work full time and I get up at 4 AM M-F. How the hell does anyone get prettied up and go out anywhere during the week? I think it is unrealistic and unkind to ask people to do this. A really boring meeting or a very exciting hot date, it is all the same to me. I want a peaceful, quiet existence during the week, free of any commitments or expectations.

  • cappytan
    What has always confused me about the midweek meeting is ....How does anyone do it? What I mean is this.....I work full time and I get up at 4 AM M-F. How the hell does anyone get prettied up and go outanywhere during the week? I think it is unrealistic and unkind to ask people to do this.

    Don't forget how much of a hardship the mid-week meeting is on parents, especially parents of young children. My kids have a strict 8:00 bed time. The meeting night was always an inconvenience and we always had a horrible morning after the meeting.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    In the Spanish side, we are dumbfounded and not too happy at all. Why the drastic changes?


  • cappytan
    Why the drastic changes?

    If you're talking about the mid-week meeting, the changes aren't really that drastic. They just renamed everything.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What I don't get is....there are 7 Governing Body members plus 30 Helpers to these GB members. Now that is a sizeable 'think tank' organization with some 37 so-called mature spiritual leaders and dare-say 'pillars'. Was this the best they could come up with for the new arrangement for mid-week meeting? I can just hear Jehovah himself saying....'O My God!'

    Yah, no doubt about it Jehovah's Witnesses are in disarray and in a holy-shit-mess!

  • pixel
    Lame. Boring, Lazy. Un-creative.

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