Jehovah's Witnesses lose registration as a religious community in Norway

by RULES & REGULATIONS 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Published December 22, 2022

    The state manager in Oslo and Viken has decided to withdraw Jehovah's Witnesses registration as a religious community under the Religious Society Act.

    We sent a notice to Jehovah's Witnesses about possible loss of registration on October 25 this year. In the notice, we asked for feedback on whether they wanted to correct the conditions that led to the denial of state grants. The community has not wanted to correct the conditions that led to the denial of state grants in 2021, and they express that they still disagree with the decision to refuse grants.

    Earlier this year, Jehovah's Witnesses were denied state grants for 2021 because of violations of the religious community law. In our opinion, the religious community violates the members' right to free cancellation. We believe this violates the members' right to religious freedom. We also believe that they violate children's rights by opening up to exclude baptized minors, and by encouraging members to socially isolate children who do not follow the rules of religious community.

    Under the Religious Society Act, a society can have its registration withdrawn if they violate the provisions of the law. We have come to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses violate the members' right to free enrollment of religious communities and that they violate children's rights. Against this background, we have come to the conclusion that society cannot be registered under the religious community law. We believe this is in line with the provisions of the religious community law.

    Loss of registration means that society no longer has the right to promote state grant requirements. This also means that society loses its marriage authority. However, they are free to practice their religion and activities independently of a public register, since the religious community law is essentially a subsidy law.

    The decision can be found in right-wing margins on this page.

  • FedUpJW

    However, they are free to practice their religion and activities independently of a public register, since the religious community law is essentially a subsidy law.

    And yet Top-shelf Tony still insists on claiming this restricts the JW's right to practice beliefs as they see fit, they just lose the right to feed at the Norwegian taxpayer funded public trough. It's about the $$$$$, not persecution.

  • enoughisenough

    Lying Anthony Morris stating religious grants were withheld due to, ''religious persecution.'' Actually, Norway was withholding $$$$ due to ''violating children's rights.''

    Here is the truth on why Jehovah's Witnesses lost their grant money:

    Earlier this year, Jehovah's Witnesses were denied state grants for 2021 because of violations of the religious community law. In our opinion, the religious community violates the members' right to free cancellation. We believe this violates the members' right to religious freedom. We also believe that they violate children's rights by opening up to exclude baptized minors, and by encouraging members to socially isolate children who do not follow the rules of religious community.

    Under the Religious Society Act, a society can have its registration withdrawn if they violate the provisions of the law. We have come to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses violate the members' right to free enrollment of religious communities and that they violate children's rights. Against this background, we have come to the conclusion that society cannot be registered under the religious community law. We believe this is in line with the provisions of the religious community law.

  • truth_b_known
    This also means that society loses its marriage authority.

    justice of the peace cartoon

  • markweatherill

    I just imagine ace watchtower lawyer Philip Brumley will be seen shaking his head, muttering 'See, you should have sent me over there. Those crazy Swedes wouldn't have stood a chance'

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Those crazy Swedes wouldn't have stood a chance'
    What about the Norwegians?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yes, prosecution, not persecution.

  • Vidiot

    “Oh, yeah, baby! Persecute me! Persecute me!!! Harder!!! I have no safe word!!!”

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    It must be a mighty ton of money they're losing, to create such a furor. Going to court to fight for the "right" to feed at the public tax trough, while simultaneously claiming God approves of abandoning children who don't want to be forced into the religion.

    Those grants arranged by the government probably mean that the government wants to encourage church groups to locate and operate in their country. But they must follow the rules in order to continue to be eligible to receive the money. Just as JWs must follow the rules to remain in the congregation. Except, JW admin don't think THEY should have to follow any rules but their own.

    They haven't always been so extreme and disloyal to their offspring - when I joined in mid 80s people didn't throw their rebellious teens out of the house and then brag about it.

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