Asylum Caravan

by dubstepped 144 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    So Soros is filthy rich and loves socialism -- did he make his money here in the US? Aren't these communist countries interesting.

    He made his money from the insanely stupid and catastrophically damaging pre-Euro attempt at pegging currencies together, the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

    Advertising to the world that you, as a country, will keep the exchange rate to a certain level is basically offering to give money away ... and they did ... to Soros ... $billions.

    Just because he profited from other people's stupidity doesn't make him wise or sensible though.

  • LV101

    Thanks for the info, Simon. I vaguely recall someone saying his next financial kill was US after Europe -- he has an agenda against capitalism

  • redvip2000

    It's not a stunt. If this was actually planned, then it would have been planned to have the most impact by having them arrive at the border before the election. As is stands the election is tomorrow, and the caravan is barely on the news at the moment.

    Also it's the second caravan, the previous caravan also was formed without any election. These things get formed on social media on a whim and people just get on board.

    I don't think these folks should be let in. We have no responsibility to save all of the poor of the world. You can walk in any major city in the US right now and you see homeless people living on the street. How can we justify letting more poor people in?

    And more importantly, how is it fair that these folks could be let in, only because they can walk to the border? At this very moment, there are thousands of poor people in Africa and Asia that want to come here too, and yet they are filling out an application and following process. A chance to come here should be equal to everybody, and thus you should follow the process to keep it fair, not just walk to the border and jump a fence.

    If you go to motor vehicle office, you walk in, fill paperwork, stand in line, pay fees, wait your turn. How would you feel if you saw people walk in, go to the front of the line and simply get handed what they want? Not fair.... get in line and follow the process.

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    If you go to motor vehicle office, you walk in, fill paperwork, stand in line, pay fees, wait your turn. How would you feel if you saw people walk in, go to the front of the line

    I would call Trump and have him send the military.

  • Betheliesalot

    In texas the political ads are getting funny now showing "Beto" O roark driving around north of the border in a chrystler Caravan which he did use to campaign in.

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    Just because he profited from other people's stupidity doesn't make him wise or sensible though.

    That's what America is all about, that explains the uncompromising devotion some have to 8 old men in N.Y.

  • Finkelstein

    Trump's action of placing thousands of soldiers at the border is just a political move to show how strong he is protecting the county.

    Yes 1500 unarmed civilians is a real threat.

    Who knows they might want food and water

    Vote Republican people and keep are country safe.

  • waton

    If you go to motor vehicle office, you walk in, fill paperwork, stand in line, pay fees, wait your turn. How would you feel if you saw people walk in, go to the front of the line and simply get handed what they want? Not fair.... get in line and follow the process.

    Yeah, If your nationality has a quota*, that might take you 10 years for number to come up?

    You would be calling the human rights commission for discrimination based on ethnicity. relief enforced by the army.
    * your roots might make up 30% involved in US "old" immigrants, and the government wants more diversity.

  • _Morpheus
  • LV101

    My state has certainly gone Democrat. They won every major category -- we're now California, Jr. The unions transport the strip employees straight to the voting centers and have for decades. Lots of voter fraud but it's the new US.

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