Paradise Earth

by kingdomseeker 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz


    If you are hear to help, then do something for me. My main problem with the religion was with what I considered False Prophecy. I will give you examples and I ask you to prove me wrong. If you are an honest hearted one, you will show it by refuting my claims and ignoring the posts that were meant to incite you.

    What to you makes a False Prophet and why doesn't the WTBTS fit into this? Keep in mind,

    Deut. 18: 20-22:

    “However the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word I have not commanded him to speak…, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart: “How shall we know a word that Jehovah has not spoken?” When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened of him."

    The Watchtower and various other publications from "The Society" stated that "the world" would end many times and yet nothing has happened. Does this mean that they prophesized truly? Here are some examples:

    The Watchtower, July 15, 1894

    “We see no reason for changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God’s dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble.”

    The Watchtower, June 15, 1905

    Charts showing 1914 date as Armageddon.

    The Time Is at Hand (SS-2), 1907 ed., p. 76-77:

    “In this chapter we will present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men.”

    p. 101

    “The ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty’ (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.”

    Oops, maybe 1918:

    The Watchtower Reprints, October 1, 1917

    “The parallel, therefore, would establish definitely that the harvest would close forty years thereafter; to wit, in the spring of A.D. 1918. If this be true, and the evidence is very conclusive that it is true, then we have only a few months in which to labor before the great night settles down when no man can work.”

    The Finished Mystery (SS-7), 1917 ed:

    “It seems conclusive that the hour of Nominal ’s travail is fixed for the Passover of 1918. (See Rev. 3:14.) That will be 7 years prior to 1925. At that time there is every reason to believe the fallen angels will invade the minds of many of the Nominal Church people, driving them to exceedingly unwise conduct and leading to their destruction at the hands of the enraged masses, who will later be dragged to the same fate.”

    The Finished Mystery (SS-7), 1917 ed.:

    “Also, in the year 1918, when God destroys the churches wholesale and the church members by millions, it shall be that any that escape shall come to the works of Pastor Russell to learn the meaning of the downfall of ‘Christianity.’”

    Or maybe 1925:

    Watchtower 1922 September 1:

    “The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914.”

    Watchtower 1923 April 1:

    “Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge.”

    Notice once again what was said in the Awake! article:

    "True there have been those in times past who predicted an end to the world even announcing a specific date, yet nothing happened, the end did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing from such people were God’s truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them."

  • Valis

    swordofjunk...get bent and go play in the street or better yet find a cozy place and read your Awake... troll boy..and not even a very good one at that.


    District Overbeer

  • reporter

    KingdomSeeker: Welcome, and answer me this...Is Jehovah's word subject to revision and update? I mean, is it the truth or is it the troof? BTW, the Proclaimers book is the greatest piece of revisionist history probably ever written on the planet, with the 9/11 "official version" of events a close second...

    I encourage you to explore the real roots and history of Jehovah's so-called organization or "channel" for yourself. Do some searches here for Russell, Freemasonry, Occult, Pyramids, etc. etc. I challenge you to pick and read a copy of Raymond Franz' two books, Crisis of Conscience and In Search Of Christian Freedom. Not only was Ray a member of the GB for 9 years, as far as I'm concerned, he's the best Bible scholar and researcher the Society ever had, (not that the Society had any honest "scholarship", a topic for another day) as he was responsible for the "Aid to Bible Understanding" concordance, of which to this day many facts are still there, and transferred to the Insight volumes. Find out for yourself, for example, how the Governing Body comes to important life-and-death policy decisions with a two-thirds majority vote, and how, if this is theocracy, can you justify to yourself that Jehovah is using these men in these capacities of grave responsibility.

    Personally, I've taken the remote control and changed my "channel." Or, actually, pressed the off button. We don't need an organisation. Jesus said only through HIM will we find salvation. All of Jesus' teachings were plain and simple. Other people, like Paul, were imperfect men who muddied them up, and unfortunately, many religions take what these men said as Gospel too, but only Jesus had the truth, 100% of the time.

  • cruzanheart

    My, my, we haven't had a good troll roast in at least a week! Kingdomseeker, the reason why so many mentioned the fact that you're not baptized is that this site is so very off limits that, if you WERE baptized, you could be instantly disfellowshipped for being on here. Not that you're going to listen to me, but I'm going to say this anyway: YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO SEPARATE JEHOVAH FROM THE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE HIS WITNESSES. If you truly believe in a loving God, if you believe in His son Jesus Christ, and if you really read what Jesus did while he was on earth, you will see a great chasm between that and the behavior of Jehovah's Witnesses. I know. I was raised as one. I was baptized in 1965 and at that time dedicated my life to Jehovah, NOT to any man-made organization. I pioneered for 13 years. I attended my last meeting in May 2002. I watched my husband literally shoved out of the organization because he was talking about uncomfortable things like child abuse. I watched my father, an elder for 40 years, blackballed for taking my husband's side, and then, years later -- last month, as a matter of fact -- driven to suicide by a bunch of elders who were too good to invite a lonely old man out to dinner once in a while. Don't you dare come on this forum with your holier-than-thou attitude and try to preach to us. We've LIVED it, Junior.

    Now, if you want to really see life from both sides, then please stay and take part in the forum. Use the brain that God gave you and you might be surprised at what the truth really is.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I find it simply amazing how a JW who has already learned about all the "common-sense" Bible Truths -- can find it in their hearts to now "shun" Jehovah.

    Do you mean "truths" like a child must have two eyewitnesses to an act of child abuse? Yes that is amazing to think God would require two adults watching a child being brutally assaulted, destroying their innocence and then report the incident to the elders but not the police.

    Or are you referring to "truths" like requiring a woman (but not a man) to scream before being raped? Yes that is amazing to think God would be interested in what sort of underwear the poor woman wore and if she did not scream she should be punished by being spiritually killed (disfellowshipped).

    Your God is mean, demanding and hateful. I want nothing to do with your God.

    I believe in faith, hope and love. Jehovah's Witnesses have none of these.

  • Valis
    Valis is your reasonable Christian reply that keeps me from going off..I am probably very bad at welcoming the Christian souls who come here after a good screwing up by the WTBTS..but you are there among others that have a good side for those that still need a Christian view to exist. Thanks as it would never be my goal to put any new people off. Goddam Christians....always being nice and stuff...*LOL*

    I would like to put my foot up swordofjunk's self righteous canal of jehover, but that can wait and one can only hope that trolls learn from good people and their intent..


    District Overbeer

  • cruzanheart

    Aw, thanks for the compliment, Oh District Overbeer! I wasn't going to even mention the ol' SOJ seein' as how he/she/it was hiding behind Kingdomseeker with that little wienie dirk. Didn't seem worth noticing.


  • thetruthaboutjws

    ok all you Jw's i got a question for you

    Has god ever delibratley hurt or killed his faithful people

    consider this the society did not allow any type of blood trasnfusion till now.

    Lets look at the blood issue

    Lets look at a quote from their own Watchtower:

    w90 6/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers: ***A pregnant woman has an active mechanism by which some immune globulin moves from the mother's blood to the fetus'. Because this natural movement of antibodies into the fetus occurs in all pregnancies, babies are born with a degree of normal protective immunity to certain infections.

    It is similar with albumin, which doctors may prescribe as a treatment for shock or certain other conditions. Researchers have proved that albumin from the plasma is also transported, though less efficiently, across the placenta from a mother into her fetus.

    That some protein fractions from the plasma do move naturally into the blood system of another individual (the fetus) may be another consideration when a Christian is deciding whether he will accept immune globulin, albumin, or similar injections of plasma fractions. One person may feel that he in good conscience can; another may conclude that he cannot. Each must resolve the matter personally before God.

    Now this says if your conscience allows you can accept blood fractions. The Watchtower's reasoning goes like this: Since medical researchers have proven that certain blood fractions naturally cross over from the mother to her fetus, it is ok to accept these fractions. Again, as long as these fractions naturally move from one individual to another, it is between God and yourself as to whether or not you will accept these fractions

    Now this says witnesses can take fractions what good does this do them

    blood fractions are used to make clotting agents snake bit antivenins imunization agents etc...

    now consider you have a daughter and playing one day gets bit by a snake. It is a real bad bite you take her to the hospital. They say they have to give her an antivenin but it has blood fractions in it. before you would have to say no.(and except the death of your child) Now imagine your little girl laying on the hospital bed crying because the bite area is swollen and turning black. You wish nothing in the world more then to help her you look into her tear staind eyes and her expression is one as if saying help me mommy\daddy, you always have before. The doctor says once more that if she does not have the antivenin she will die. once again you say no. You are left alone holding your scared daughter. You tell her you love her and not to worry. As she tells you she loves you back her eyes close and she falls asleep(dead).

    one year later you pick up a watchtower and read then JW's accept blood fractions curious as to what those are you look it up. as you are reading the information you get sick to your stomach as your eyes fall on the words used in snake bite antivenins. (the image of your daughters eyes rolling into her head as she gasped for a last breath before she died goeas through your head) As reality sets in you relise if you had known then. your daughter would still be alive. you would be taking her to kindagarden. playing in the park. you think of everything you missed. school, parties, sleepovers. but you get none of it. because god even though he knew the information decide not to tell the organization till after 50,000 children including yours died because of ignorace.

    could this be true could god purposley hold back informaion from his chosen people allowing countless thousands of people die in his name. that would mean he is guilty of killing the inocent.

    Oh but the society got new light. Well does this light let you see your daughter. does it bring back the countless thousands of others?

    of course not acording to the society oh well guess we made a mistake time to move on.


    but god doesn't that is why i have part with god as a christian and not as a nonfreethinking individual supporting a group of religious murderes who are no better than the catholics

    (so you see god could not possibly be backing the wtbts and still sleep at night therefore it is not the truth)

  • unclebruce

    Dear kingdom seeker,

    When a Jehovahs Witness says "can i interest you in a free home bible study?" there are a few things you should be aware of:

    1 - It isn't free.

    2 - It isn't about the bible.

    3 - It isn't study.

    but i recon folk like you should have one anyway

    uncle, throwing a dog a clue.

  • xjw_b12

    OH GREAT ! SORDIDof JAH is back .

    Simon....please where is the ignore feature ?

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