Normal people don't give a darn if you're a witness

by XBEHERE 19 Replies latest jw friends


    This was posted on ExJW Reddit, check it out if some of you never have.

    I find this to be the case, people in general are so not interested in religion that they really could care less about JWs. For example most people know that most holidays have no religious basis i.e. Christmas, Easter and they don't give a crap. Maybe for young children in school... maybe. But adults do not care one bit. What do you think?

  • FFGhost


    It’s a vital life saving work! The greatest witness the world has ever known! The nations shall know that I am Jehovah!


    Not only does no one give a crap if you are a JW or not, this “vital life saving witness work” has not made an iota of difference in the world at large.

    if you polled a cross sample of 1000 people worldwide and asked them “what is the message of JWs?”

    — 500 would have never heard of them

    — 450 would barely be aware of their existence but would never have interacted with one

    — 49 would say “oh those are the guys who sell Watchtowers and don’t take blood”

    — 1 might….MIGHT….know something about JW doctrine

    Worldwide preaching work…pffft.

    As I’ve noted numerous times, if “Jehovah” as conceived of by JWs really existed, and really did charge them with a worldwide preaching work, he’d execute the lot of them for the piss poor hash they’ve made of it.

  • TonusOH

    Most people only know JWs as the people who knock on doors to preach, or who are next to the stands with WT magazines and tracts. JWs tend to be pretty mild and approachable in general, so people who know a JW or two will usually tell you that they're nice people.

    The other stuff --especially about birthdays and holidays-- probably seems weird to them, but since it doesn't affect them directly, it's not a big deal. At my old job, they actually offered to change the name and description of the annual Christmas luncheon and office party, because they felt bad that I would not take part. I explained that it was still, in my mind, a holiday occasion. I think they admired my willingness to take a stand, but also it did not affect them-- they were able to enjoy both, whether or not I was there.

  • Ding
    The vast majority of people neither know nor care what JWs believe.
  • DesirousOfChange
    The vast majority of people neither know nor care what JWs believe. ~ Ding

    I'd add to that that the vast majority of JW's do not know what they believe.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    the majority of people dont know what any religions believe--in fact they all believe pretty much the same things--even jws.

  • carla

    When I have told people that my husband is a jw (just to avoid embarrassment at some later date) they all, and yes I mean ALL said, "oh, yeah, it's a cult". Without fail. Then they asked how he got roped in........ well, that sucks. Or they would say, "I thought he was smarter than that". Not one person had a positive view of jw's, not one.

  • LV101

    carla -- same type of response I get from people. I don't broadcast info about any family being members -- too embarrassing but some in the extended clan know and I have to hear how it's such a cult and, of course, they feel all righteous and exuberant re/their chosen brand of worship. The ones who've become Catholics love to expound on topic of history (the oldest religion gag me) and the evangelicals/born-agains, etc., are certain they're in the chosen religion of what's happenin' now, I guess. For church goers they're not too concerned about the 'do not judge' scripture but maybe I have that one all wrong.

    I do admit I'm guilty of judging JW religion myself and not too impressed with a couple others I have to hear about but I don't make remarks in public.

  • Journeyman

    Of course it depends which country (or part of that country) you live in, but I've never had a major problem with "persecution", hostile reactions or even particularly strong responses to being a JW in day-to-day life (apart from when actually "on the ministry" of course).

    Living in a big multicultural city in a largely free and secular country and working in a diverse sector where people of many different religious beliefs (and none) interact, I would agree that generally no-one here really cares if you happen to be a JW, nor has much knowledge about them. (Nor is bothered to find out.)

    But then I don't go out of my way to push it into others' faces. I've never been one for all this slipping in "ministry introductions" into breaktime conversations, or strategically placing Watchtower or Awake mags on my workspace to try and manufacture opportunities to "give a witness". If I was asked directly about something that touched on my beliefs, or asked to do something I specifically wasn't comfortable doing I'd reply simply and factually, but that's about it.

    I found that mostly, people would reply with a fairly neutral "oh ok". Occasionally they might respond with something like "why do you believe that?" or "I don't think I agree with that/with JWs", but mostly they were fairly accepting in the past. I suspect this may change as the public spotlight falls more on the controversial teachings that come from the GB, especially some of their more outlandish statements in talks and broadcasts.

    Of course, in most public sector workplaces in the UK (health, education, local government, etc), overtly discussing religious topics is a taboo anyway and could even lead to disciplinary action if it were thought you were "preaching" or criticising others' beliefs, hence most people shy away from the subject. Same in most social situations. The old saying used to be "don't discuss politics or religion in public", and many still keep to that, especially if they don't know the people around them extremely well.

    The British attitude in the workplace is still mostly "we're here to do a job" and "your belief is your business, mine is mine", so they will be respectfully neutral to you and rarely oppose directly. I'm fine with that, and have no desire to create distance or difference just for the sake of it, despite what is sometimes stirred up by the GB or more over-enthusiastic elders in their talks.

  • LongHairGal


    I had a pre-JW life as a Roman Catholic and knew zero about Jehovah’s Witnesses nor did I care.

    When I got enticed into the JW religion years later, I was baffled at how they described themselves.. They imagined they were talked about night and day by so-called ‘worldly’ people.. This simply was not true and I felt they were deeply deluded and legends in their own minds. But, of course, I kept my thoughts to myself.

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