Post A Message To The Troops

by DakotaRed 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Use your condescending tone on someone else...

    Better yet, don't respond to my posts. You place fault where there is none then whine like a baby?

  • berten

    >>Use your condescending tone on someone else...

    >Better yet, don't respond to my posts.
    >You place fault where there is none then whine like a baby?

    Who's doing the whining here?
    Who's starting thread after thread about how we all should support
    the warmongers,and if we don't we're all at the side of the terrorists?
    Don't be surprised if people spit at you once again,this time with *alot*
    more reason than they did have thirty years ago.
    This is my last reply to you,Happy now?

  • SheilaM
    Don't be surprised if people spit at you once again,this time with *alot*
    more reason than they did have thirty years ago.

    Ok, how rude you are! For a NEWBIE you know how to piss people off don't you. Disrespect has no bearing on this thread if you didn't want to leave a post to the troops then you shouldn't have answered you idiot. By hijacking it you showed everyone what a supreme ass you are.

  • berten

    >>Don't be surprised if people spit at you once again,this time with *alot*
    >>more reason than they did have thirty years ago.

    >Ok, how rude you are!

    Oh dear,what are going to do? Spank me? :-)

    >For a NEWBIE you know how to piss people off don't you.

    (About this being a newbie;you may have more posts to your name,
    but I'm more interested in *quality*,not quantity)

    I am mighty pissed off by the *stupidity* of those who follow Bush
    in his madness,if the shoe fits...You know the rest...

    >Disrespect has no bearing on this thread if you didn't want to leave a post
    >to the troops then you shouldn't have answered you idiot.

    And why should I not insert some dissenting comments?
    because *you* don't like to read them? I know,your "America,land of the free"
    is turning into a police state where anyone with an opinion differing from
    Bush and anyone of his *ilk* is criminalized.

    >By hijacking it you showed everyone what a supreme ass you are.

    This is my last reply to you as well,you must be very happy no doubt,
    to have the sandbox all to yourself again and to those of *your* *ilk*,aren't you?

  • expatbrit
    This is my last reply to you
    This is my last reply to you as well

    Berten, have you ever considered a career at the UN?


  • DakotaRed

    Who's starting thread after thread about how we all should support
    the warmongers,and if we don't we're all at the side of the terrorists?

    No one forces you to read anything here. Is only your view permitted? Do you think we are under the control of the Soviets still? You enjoy your freedoms because "warmongers" have fought and died for your freedoms throughout history. Obviously, you don't deserve freedom as you cannot even appreciate it.
    Don't be surprised if people spit at you once again,this time with *alot*
    more reason than they did have thirty years ago.

    With you and your "ilk," what else would I expect? Maybe you would be more appreciative of living in Bahgdad and showing Saddam your love and support there? Come by and spit on me, and I'm likely to put your lights out. But, it seems I would be standing in line too.

    I am mighty pissed off by the *stupidity* of those who follow Bush
    in his madness,if the shoe fits...You know the rest...

    Really pisses you off that others also have freedom of speech and expression, doesn't it? Socialists demand their freedoms, but wish to deny others theirs. As far as anyones "stupidity," think how stupid it will be when Saddam lobs a few missles at you, or arms another terrorist group to spread bio or chemical weapons in your neighborhood. Think it can't happen? That only shows where your head is really at.

    As for "following Bush," some people can't see that he is following us. He was duly and legally elected, not with some controversy from both sides, but still legally and fairly elected. He was put there to do a job and he is doing it, quite well, in my not so humble opinion. Don't like it? Deal with it!

    Maybe we can get another pussy liberal socialist in to appease you and your ilk and sell the country further down the drain.

    Keep your feeble little beedy eyes peeled, bucko, I will post an article of how you protestors view and treat the Iraqi people, the ones you lie and say you are all for. It is all about your hatred of a duly elected President, that's obvious. You could give a crap less about Iraqis.

  • wednesday

    My son was in the middle east. I did not sleep the entire time he was there.I sent him a football and candy. I prayed for him every night.I got to talk to him as often as it was possible. I hope your mom does this too. he was afraid. i know u must be too. I will be praying for our troops and hoping u have someone to support u. U are doing what must be done. Thank u for being there and protecting the country i live in. i am grateful to u.

    a mom

  • unclebruce

    Sheila - I wasn't the one who made this personal! (if you can't stand the heat....)

    btw: I spent some time in the US with US troops during the last Gulf War and those boys seemed cool enough. But the other night, when I saw TV pictures of US troops cheering and yahoo'n at a video of an Iraqi motorcyclist being blown to pieces by an American weapon of mass destruction I was appauled.

    Something is deeply wrong with the American mindset and it seems US troops often act like immature gangsters - big and tough when they're in a gang and crybabies when isolated. It is as if they've been indoctrinated that the world is an unsafe place (very different from the way Australians, in some ways nievely, view the world. )

    I'm just trying to understand the US mind is all. unclebruce

    Kill innocent people sure, but you guys can shove the spin doctored gingoism where the sun don't shine

    ps: i have several friends now serving in the gulf (one in the Royal Australian Air Force, who nearly blew my place to shreds recently in a very low fly pass!! and two in the Royal Australian Navy)

  • ozziepost
    one in the Royal Australian Air Force, who nearly blew my place to shreds recently in a very low fly pass!!

    Struth, Unc! I didn't realise the board wars had got so serious!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ISP
    Post A Message To The Troops

    Well, try and not kill too many innocents....


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