Video-Man in Field Service asks to speak to a woman's 15-year old Daughter

by TakeOffTheCrown 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • TakeOffTheCrown


    I agree with your rationale.

    Something else to consider: he may not have known the age of the girl he requested to see. He had her name and address and that she was a female. Since he had a sister with him, he should have had the sister knock on the door; identify themselves and say someone in this household had expressed an interest in the literature.

  • Simon

    Listen to yourselves ... only women are allowed to talk to women? For real?

    What planet are you living on? There is nothing at all wrong with someone asking for someone else by name, even if they happen to be a 15 year old girl unless they are a creep doing it to try to groom them.

    But there is absolutely ZERO evidence that applies in this case and plenty of evidence that it doesn't.

    This is not even a molehill, but people are trying to make out it is a mountain.

    What the biased, desperate-to-find-the-JW-guilty crowd can't see is that rules should apply to all. How would you like it if you were asking for someone in perfectly innocuous circumstances and then someone is effectively trying to make out that you are some kind of pedo creep?

  • TakeOffTheCrown


    We are not discussing women speaking to women, but a man asking to speak to a 15-year-old girl. There is a problem with asking to speak with a 15-year-old girl. Such a person should ask to speak with the head of the household.

    Because of what he did, slapping the woman or hitting the camera, law enforcement is involved. They have probably conducted a background check on him. Suggestions made here can be a protection.

  • Finkelstein

    The man's introduction at first was probably inappropriate in explaining why they were there and who they were,

    Simon listen to yourself .....

    There is nothing at all wrong with someone asking for someone else by name, even if they happen to be a 15 year old girl unless they are a creep doing it to try to groom them.

    Two complete strangers come to a family's home, they are recognized as adults, one is carrying a briefcase. they knock and a parent of one of the young teens answers.

    These strangers then ask to talk to one particular girl by name, the mother then asks the teen daughter who these people are, the teen says she doesn't know .

    The mother takes that in stride thinking she is being lied to and comes back to these strangers angered by how dare they impose themselves with not being asked .

    Maybe the guy didn't explain carefully or methodically to how they got the girls name and address and the mother gets even more angrier .

    A lot of people dont know how JWS operate !

    There are 3 probable consequences to this event ......

    1. the girl lied about having any previous personal interaction with the JWS

    2. the guy speaking at the door didn't explain clearly to how they got the girls name and address.

    3. the mother over reacted and went after the two after they were leaving the premises.

    There appears to be a lot information edited out to this situation by the news station, .........well that's the media for you ,

  • Finkelstein

    Listener made a good point .

    20 hours ago

    Another possibility was that they received a bible study request via JW org and it was either genuine or a prank.

    We are living in the age of the inter-net and even religions like the JWS are using it to their advantage.

    It could have very well been a prank pulled by a fellow student or acquaintance.

    If that was the case the guy should have made that bit of information toward the mother .

    Otherwise she should have calmly shut the door and said no thank you.

    She overreacted nevertheless , it wasn't like some lowlife thugs came to speak with her daughter asking her out .

    I think this woman had a sitting grudge against the JWS and this just sparked it up a bit.

  • blondie

    Officially, the WTS says this:

    If a child answers the door, we should ask to speak with his parents. This shows respect for their headship. (Pr 6:20) If the child invites us to come in, we should decline. If his parents are unavailable, we should return at another time.

    If the child is older, perhaps in his mid-to-late teens, it would still be appropriate to ask for his parents. If they are not available, we might ask whether his parents let him choose his own reading material. If they do, we can offer him literature and perhaps direct him to

    When making a return visit on a youth who has shown interest, we should ask to meet his parents. This will allow us to explain our purpose in calling and show them the trustworthy and reliable advice found in the Bible for families. (Ps 119:86, 138) Our showing respect and consideration for the parents will be a good witness and may give us other opportunities to share the good news with the family.​1Pe 2:12

  • smiddy3

    In one sense I think people are making a mountain out of a mole hill with this post. why ?

    1. firstly the young girl must have given her name and address to someone ,maybe a school friend who is a JW and passed it on to a congregation

    2.The JW man who was asking for the child was not alone he had a female companion on the sideline .?

    Do you honestly think a male and female JW going from D2D are going to accost a Juvenile in broad daylight ?

    3.What they did wrong was for the man to ask for the child and not the woman , a whole different scenario , she should have been the one to ask for her daughter and they were both wrong in not coming forward and identifying they were JW`s ,

    4.Then again any weirdos can claim to be JW`s Mormons ,SDA`s or any other group if they wanted to posing as christian religions and get access to our youth in a vulnerable state ,so it is a good lesson for parents to be vigilant in protecting their children.

    So on that count it has been a good thread.We must always be alert to potential dangers to our children.

  • carla

    An easy answer to all of this would be to quit knocking on strangers doors to indoctrinate them.

    Or, be ready to provide YOUR name and address when knocking on someone's door. If a jw won't even identify themselves as a jw how likely would it be that they will provide the homeowner with their name and address?

    Once again you have jw's unwilling to do what they ask of others. They often have the homeowners name, address and even notes about the family! 'husband a Catholic, wife Lutheran, heavy drinker, many kids, etc...etc... weirdos.

  • dubstepped

    The fact that they went there asking for the girl is no big deal. Obviously there's been some previous interaction. I see no issue with the mom questioning and videoing the guy who got cagey about the whole thing in a world where weird people sometimes do awful things to kids. She's just looking out for her daughter (and we don't know if there could be a reason for her to be antsy in particular) and the JW couldn't be a grown up and had to act weird which made it more curious. Him slapping at her was uncalled for.

    Funny, JWs have no problem recording things in public but don't like being on the other side of it. You and I know the guy was just some dumb JW trying to get his time in but those on the outside don't. He handled that very poorly.

  • Simon
    We are not discussing women speaking to women, but a man asking to speak to a 15-year-old girl. There is a problem with asking to speak with a 15-year-old girl. Such a person should ask to speak with the head of the household.

    And how are you supposed to know what age someone is? If your answer is "from previous interactions" then voila, the explanation for asking for someone by name. If you, how? Telepathy?

    (not forgetting that even if you have met someone, you don't necessarily know their age)

    Because of what he did, slapping the woman or hitting the camera, law enforcement is involved. They have probably conducted a background check on him. Suggestions made here can be a protection.

    I think sticking a camera in someone's face is incredibly rude and in todays world is effectively assault - it can be posted to social media with claims of some impropriety that never occurred in order to adversely affect someone's life, relationships, employment etc... or even make them subject to physical attacks. Hey, exactly what this woman did!

    The woman totally over-reacted, or conspired. Watch the footage again, it doesn't include the full interaction - why is that? Often telling is what isn't shown and that's a critical part. Also, she tracked him down ... how freaky is that? If someone was stalking me like that, I wouldn't be answering their questions either.

    The woman is a fruitcake. The media are useless.

    The only crime that happened is the reporters "English" ... really, "they rung the doorbell" instead of "they rang the doorbell" (the doorbell was rung).

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