THIS Is How Muslim Mother “Fixes” Rape Of 2-Year-Old Granddaughter By Grandfather

by Hecce 52 Replies latest social current

  • Hecce
    Saw this dated 2/26/2017, seems to be from 12/2015.

    Even in a religious culture that advocates the murder of victims as honorable, fathers and brothers are typically the perpetrators of horrific violence against female family members whose only crime was to be the victim of another, the killing of a child by its mother stands out as particularly unnatural and depraved.

    Such a heinous act occurred recently in Sohag, Egypt when a mother of a two-year-old child took the life of her child rather than protect it from violent sexual assault by its own grandfather.

    A Muslim mother identified only as “Merfat” was awakened by screams in the middle of the night and found her father, Faraj, in the act of raping her daughter.

    Rather than acting out of a natural, protective instinct, the 23-year-old mother chose to shield her father from scandal as taught by Muslim theology and Sharia law.

    Merfat told authorities that she took her daughter, little Grace Ahmed, from the grandfather, placed her in a tub and held her head under water until the child drown.

    Alik Akhmim, Chief Detective of the police in Sohag told Egyptian reporters that “traces of blood” had been found in the little girl’s anus, evidencing the degree of force and injury the child endured at the hands of her mother’s father.

    This kind of act is referred to as an “honor killing” thought to place the reputation of the family above that of any individual member, and which is used to punish the victim rather than hold the perpetrator accountable.

    Murdering rape victims is common in countries and communities that adhere to Sharia law where the crime is rarely reported for fear of exposing the family to shame.

    “Honor killing” is no longer limited to predominantly Muslim countries or the Middle East. According to a study commissioned by the United States Department of Justice, honor killings are on the rise in America as Muslim families immigrate and bring the barbaric practice with them.

    The practice is now an even more concerning problem in the United Kingdom where 11,000 reported cases in the past five years are said to be merely the tip of the iceberg.

    In the case of Grace Ahmed’s murder, at least, police have arrested her grandfather, Faraj, for rape and her mother, Merfat, for murder so that justice may, in fact, still be done, although far too late to save the child.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Logic is in such short supply, anywhere ya look.

  • Sanchy

    Terribly sad story Hecce.

    Reminds me of reports I read this past weekend of topless fem protesting trump's "muslim ban" over in Europe. I couldn't help but giggle at the irony of such an event.

  • Hecce
    This kind of act is referred to as an “honor killing” thought to place the reputation of the family above that of any individual member, and which is used to punish the victim rather than hold the perpetrator accountable.
    Murdering rape victims is common in countries and communities that adhere to Sharia law where the crime is rarely reported for fear of exposing the family to shame.

    I am not equating the two situations, just the motivation. Something similar happens when a family decides to hide congregation related child abuse to protect the Watchtower reputation.

  • Ruby456

    Its even worse when judges let rapists of 2 year olds off easily.

  • Sanchy

    Something similar happens when a family decides to hide congregation related child abuse to protect the Watchtower reputation

    That's exactly right. Very similar human psychology at work there.

  • scratchme1010

    Interesting topic. Here's more of Christian groups that commit violent crimes:

    Tony Alamo - Headed a Santa Clarita commune. Convicted of tax evasion in 1994 and then resided in a halfway house in Texarkana. In 2009, he was convicted of ten federal counts of taking minors across state lines for sex, and sentenced to 150 years in federal prison.
    Shoko Asahara - Founder of Aum Shinrikyo sentenced to death by hanging under Japanese law for involvement in the 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway.
    Wayne Bent (aka: Michael Travesser) - Founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church, sometimes called Strong City. Was convicted of one count of criminal sexual contact of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2008. Was sentenced to 18 years with eight years suspended.
    Graham Capill - former leader of Christian Heritage New Zealand. Sentenced to nine-year imprisonment term in 2005 after multiple charges of child sexual abuse against girls younger than twelve.
    Matthew F. Hale - Former leader of Creativity Movement sentenced to a 40-year prison term for soliciting an undercover FBI informant to kill a federal judge.
    Warren Jeffs - Once President of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a polygamist Mormon sect), convicted of rape as an accomplice (overturned in 2010). Jeffs also awaits trial in other states and in the federal court system.
    Jung Myung Seok - South Korean religious sect leader and founder of Providence. Convicted for raping several of his followers.
    William Kamm - An Australian religious sect leader and self-styled Pope Peter II who was sentenced to prison in October 2005 for a string of sexual attacks on a 15-year-old girl. In August 2007 his sentence was increased after being found guilty for a series of sexual abuses against another teenage girl over a five-year period.
    Ervil LeBaron - Led a small sect of polygamous Mormon fundamentalists, and was convicted of involvement in the murder of two people and plotting to kill another person in 1981.
    Alice Lenshina - Zambian head and founder of the Lumpa Church. Conflicts with the government over the sect's rejection of taxes led to a violent confrontation and her subsequent imprisonment.
    Jeffrey Lundgren - Headed splinter group from Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, executed October 24, 2006, for multiple murders.
    Charles Manson - Leader of the Manson Family who is serving life for first degree murder.
    Shukri Mustafa - Egyptian leader of Takfir wal-Hijra who was captured and executed for the kidnap murder of an Egyptian ex-government minister.
    Fred Phelps - Leader of anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church. Convicted for disorderly conduct and battery.
    Swami Premananda of Tiruchirapalli - Indian religious leader convicted and sentenced to two life sentences for the rape of 13 girls and murder in 2005.
    Theodore Rinaldo - Leader of a religious group in Snohomish, Washington convicted of third-degree statutory rape for having sexual intercourse with one minor girl and of taking indecent liberties with another.
    Paul Schäfer - Former head of Chile-based Colonia Dignidad, was convicted of sexually abusing 25 children.
    Roch Thériault - Former head of "Ant Hill Kids commune" served a life sentence in Canada for the murder of Solange Boislard.
    Yahweh Ben Yahweh - Head of Nation of Yahweh, convicted for Federal racketeering charges and conspiracy involving 14 murders.
    Dwight York - Head of Nuwaubianism, convicted in 2004 of multiple RICO, child molestation, and financial reporting charges and sentenced to 135 years in prison.

    I agree. Rational thinking is pretty much gone.

  • Spoletta

    1 "honor" killing is too many, but I must correct the figures here. there were 11,000 incidents of honor violence in the UK (probably more). Forced marriage falls into this category. It's not all killings.

    It's reprehensible, but is being dealt with as crimes by the authorities, and should be prosecuted harshly. Hopefully, it will die out as the younger generations begin to assimilate into the general population.

    You can blame it all on Islam, but injustice and brutal criminal acts occur in all populations.

    I have only one word to describe what I'm seeing in a lot of these threads. Islamophobia, pure and simple.

  • Simon

    The use of the term "honour killing" has to stop, it subtly suggests something noble when the reality is always far from it.

    It should be referred to as the "shameful islam-inspired murder of weak and innocent" killing that it always is.

    Honour killing would be executing the ghouls who promote this crap.

  • kpop

    Interesting read written by a Muslim on extremism, and why and how it is growing.

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