who/what/where did you go away to?

by nowisee 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nowisee

    thank you all for answering.

    Sandy, the wts is not Jah. no doubts. don't be afraid to explore as i was for 27 years. read david reed's books, "jehovah's witnesses answered subject by subject" and "answering jehovah's witnesses verse by verse". the first was particularly helpful. read crisis of conscience by raymond franz to see how the wts operates. go to freeminds.org. these will dispell your doubts. i feel for you, something better is coming.

    loris. YES!

    kat_newmas, i hardly know what to say to you except that i love you and you are awesome.

    DJ, i read it today, i understand as psalm ll8:8 in the midst of great had the same effect on me and gave me my answer.

  • nowisee

    oh, and joy2bfree, i was never at bethel, just around it a lot in late 60's with hormones raging, looking for handsome theocratic boy. my 1st husband was there from 66-69.

  • Joyzabel

    Sorry for the misunderstanding, nowisee. My husband was in Bethel '67-'71. It was a very small group, I think he said about 800 when he first went. The Truth(sic)Book changed that dramatically. But they time we went there together, there were 2000+ bethelites there in the mid 70's.

    Anyway, nice to have you on this board. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.


  • blondie

    Some JWs say that while there are things wrong with the WTS, it is not as bad as the other religions.

    That always makes me think of what a wise man once said, "Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."

    Jerry Garcia

    Blondie(choosing no evil)

  • ozziepost
    I went away to Jesus Christ and his Father and away from the confining strangle-hold of the WTS. I went away to freedom, freedom to think and research and explore. I went away to my inner rooms and away from sanctified holy buildings. When I left 6 months ago I surrounded myself with as many Bibles, commentaries, and concordanances as possible.

    Me too! Nice post, Loris.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • kat_newmas

    nowisee.... I am not awesome... I am a spewing, long winded, moronic, maybe phsyco, mentally disturbed, overly-sensitive, emotional, un-founded, (takes a deep breathe) arrogant, willful, stubborn but determined, nerve wrecking, pain in the you know what.

    Did I mention also, never on time, unfocused, flighty, nervous, opinionated, and ignorant.

    and... long haired, underweight, and barefoot most of the time.

    I CAN type fast though.... my only redeeming quality.. . .

  • nowisee

    well i still think you're awesome. nowisee

  • hippikon

    who/what/where did you go away to?


  • Carmel

    Nowisee, I walked from the Borg before my 15th birthday. Lived in abandoned cars, hung out in mpty buildings and did my thing until my parents reported me to the police. My spiritual journey began by going to all the available christian churches which only confirmed my JW upbringing that they were full of hypocrites and socialites. Became and remained an agnostic for nealy 18 years even though I did a fair amount of reading on many other faiths and belief systems. Never could cross the line to atheism but could not accept the traditional definition of "god" in the religious literature. A long study of the Darwininan doctrin and a degree in bio-science could not convince me that we are walking happy accidents without purpose or a metaphysical component. I've since become inclusive in my religious beliefs and do not take any of the religious texts, especially the bible, literally.

    Life is good and only gets better.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    Dude, you've got big brass ones to come through that kind of experience with your sanity intact. I cannot imagine knowing my son is out on the streets, undergoing a hideous experience like what you describe, and not moving heaven and earth to bring him home. Humanity's capacity of cruelty to children never ceases to amaze me. You have every right to be bitter and angry at the world, and yet apparently you have managed to keep intact a kind and gentle soul. You are to be commended for protecting that part of yourself. I'll wager you are none of the words you used to describe yourself with (moronic, arrogant, etc.). That sounds more like some messages your family fed you.

    I'm very pleased that you have found a safe harbor. What kind of artist are you? By that I mean do you paint, sculpt or are you a computer artist? Do your experiences in childhood and adolescence come out in your art? I envy the ability to express yourself artistically. That is one area my own dysfunctional childhood catches up to me.

    Take care,

    Chris (short for Christopher)

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