How Many JWs Really Believe Everything They Are Told?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • thankyou


    I can't stop laughing. After what you posted, I'm going to rethink chasing this JW girl I've been pursuing.

  • deanxxx

    I never believe the whole Daniel to 1914 thing. I have almost no recollection of my baptism questions except for when the 1914 doctrine came up, I remember having to lie about accepting it.

    A few years latter I studied psychology at night school (which was discouraged of course) and was introduced to the concept of cognitive dissonance. That was the start of my personal 'enlightenment' and not just about 1914 or other points of doctrine but values and ethics too.

  • punkofnice
    Min - Do you think there are any true believers that accept 100% of the religion?

    I don't think the average JW knows what they believe. They go along with the status quo. They have been convinced they're safe inside the one true religion so they gave up analysing it when that happened. Anything that gors wrong is put down to 'imperfect men(tm)' not 'Jehovah(tm)'.

    It's a trap. Once in, the victims are put to sleep.

  • Ucantnome

    I think I would find some difficulty in defining the religion as things change and somethings I find a degree of ambiguity to them.

    for many years I felt I did not understand the beliefs that well however I accepted the identity of the faithful and discreet slave class and therefore accepted the religion irrespective of whether I understood everything believing they were being used in the capacity of giving spiritual food at the proper time.

    I would think the majority think something similar, I would hope.

  • done4good

    There might be some that believe 100%, (or close to it), but not the majority. Most learn techniques to deal with their cognitive dissonance very early in life, and things like starting businesses and getting an education are just some of things they do along those lines. Clearly those actions do indicate that deep down they really do not believe, however the psychological and social impact of allowing themselves to see that fact, is usually at too high of a cost to motivate them to action. The obvious cost being not only loss of friends and family, but even more importantly loss of self identity. Anyone who has been through this process knows what I am speaking of.

    The above is why it almost always takes some event in one's life to wake them up. An event such as a divorce, or some injustice by the elders tends to lower the "cost" of being brave enough to start questioning. The cost is lowered because social damage is almost always done to a person whom has experienced such an event. Sides are taken in the congregation, and the individual is often ostracized at some level. It simply becomes a matter of "I have nothing, (or very little), to lose by looking into my doubts".

    I would almost go as far as saying that unless some faith dislodging event does take place in one's life, it is almost impossible to leave on one's own volition 100%. It may not necessarily be a personal matter, (such as a divorce or JC), but any one thing that causes enough discomfort, is what is required to leave at a bare minimum. I doubt anyone leaves that is psychologically and socially content, no matter how intelligent or how much they really don't believe deep down. It is not necessarily a matter of laziness, but rather, (existential), fear.


  • prologos

    An astonishing number of jws believed the "1975 is beginning of the last (1000 year sabbath, judgement, paradise) day" printing. Many believed it 120% adding fantasy fulfillments to it, leaving businesses, selling property, or the believing cynics, going on unaffordable pleasure sprees.

    These days are gone! in one congregation observed, perhaps only 1% really believes, but even then, surely must harbour doubts,

    The very old ones hope not to die, but hope is not belief.

  • stuckinarut2

    Most only believe ONE thing:

    That the org has "the truth", and therefore can do NO wrong.

    Hardly ANY would ever apply sincere analytical thinking skills in relation to teachings and doctrines!

  • jookbeard
    I think its far far less, I'd say only a few percent really dont believe it , if the order from HQ came next week to drink they Cool Aid they's be ordering tons of the stuff, how many times have you heard the old saying "if I was the only jw left in the world I'd still believe it?"
  • minimus
    Punk, you are spot on.
  • FayeDunaway
    I think about 20% are true believers, not doubting anything. My mother is one of these, swallowing everything they say hook line and sinker. The rest doubt occasionally but think it's the closest thing to worshipping Jehovah, and where else would they go, and it's the best way to live that can be found on earth. This is only because they haven't honesltly let themselves think otherwise. Letting themselves think otherwise is crossing a line most don't let themselves cross. Those are sinful, disloyal thoughts.

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