Time to Arrest the Leaders of the Anti-War Movement,

by LuckyLucy 37 Replies latest social current

  • Erich

    Is there anybody in this forum set on liberty yet ?

  • mustang

    That law doesn't refer to protesters as much as those interfering with actual military operations and doing real espionage; it also applies to those who actively try to dissaude someone from serving or performing their duty. If protest is just directed at politicians, it doesn't qualify,

    Now Jane Fonda is the one that did soemthing more about it; that should have been acted on.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah what about Vietnam?? If more Americans would have stood up to their government and said this war was wrong, less Americans would have lost their lives.


  • heathen

    I could just see them arresting those women at the code red march .Personally I think it's great that Americans show no fear when dealing with terrorists .I think they win when they can inflict some kind of paralizing fear on civilians. UP yours terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Satanus

    I think this is coming. What was that saying? Oh yeah, first they came for the arabs, then they came for the protesters,...........


  • teejay

    >>> I think this is coming.

    I really, really, REALLY, hope you're wrong, SS, but in my gut I suspect you are probably closer to being right. This Administration's blatant disregard for the basic human rights of scores of people has been heartrending to watch.

    When/if it happens that peaceful dissent by the people -- a long held and exercised freedom in this country -- is cause for arrest and court action, it will be as sure a sign as any that Freedom itself has been the true victim of 9/11.

  • Preston

    During the Persian Gulf War American Air Power slaughtered 100,000 Iraqis in a matter of hours on the "Highway of Death," as they retreated north to their homes. Giving "no quarter" to the retreating armies is a violation of the 1907 Hague convention. The murder of a retreating army has no honor. So if you're going to stick to the letter of the law here, you better start with throwing in the slammer all of those "war criminals" who killed all of those retreating Iraqis during the Persian Gulf war. Hop to it!

  • back2dafront

    Only in a perfect world.

    Unfortunately such things weigh no importance whatsoever in the minds of ones who are bent on war. America does no wrong, and if it does, it's permissable because they deserved it.

    And they have the nerve to imply those against the war have "no common sense."

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Just watching CNN and they were saying how some of the information that Bush and the boys are saying is untruths to make their case for war. Maybe Bush and Powell should be arrested for lying to the American people,


  • back2dafront

    Wow. Check THIS out as well:


    World - AP Europe
    British Official Would Quit Over Iraq
    59 minutes ago

    By BETH GARDINER, Associated Press Writer

    LONDON - A member of Prime Minister Tony Blair ( news - web sites)'s Cabinet said Sunday she will quit in protest if Britain participates in a war on Iraq ( news - web sites) without United Nations ( news - web sites ) backing.

    AP Photo

    Special Coverage
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    Special Coverage

    International Development Secretary Clare Short is the highest-ranking British official to threaten to step down. Newspaper reports said Sunday that several lower-ranking members of the government had similar plans.

    Short, considered one of the Cabinet's most liberal members, long has been a focus of rumors about possible protest resignations. She resigned as a Labor Party official to protest the party's backing for the 1991 Gulf War ( news - web sites ).

    "If there is not U.N. authority for military action or if there is not U.N. authority for the reconstruction of the country, I will not uphold a breach of international law or this undermining of the U.N. and I will resign from the government," Short told British Broadcasting Corp. radio on Sunday.

    Blair's staunch support of President Bush ( news - web sites)'s tough stance on Iraq has caused the prime minister serious political problems at home. Polls show a majority of Britons oppose a war not authorized by the United Nations and Blair is derided by critics as Bush's "poodle."

    Last month, 122 lawmakers from Blair's Labor Party staged their biggest rebellion since he came to power in 1997, voting for a motion that said the case for war was "unproven."

    Blair has argued passionately for the need to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction. While he says he wants U.N. support, he has argued that Britain and the United States would be within their rights to use force even if one or more members of the Security Council "unreasonably" veto a resolution.

    He says he is confident the allies will win a second resolution. Britain, the United States and Spain have proposed the world body give Saddam Hussein ( news - web sites ) a March 17 deadline to disarm or face war.

    Blair continued to push for international backing, speaking Sunday to Chinese President Jiang Zemin ( news - web sites ), who said every effort must be made to avoid war, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry ( news - web sites ).

    Short responded with strong language when asked whether Blair was moving recklessly.

    "I'm afraid that I think the whole atmosphere of the current situation is deeply reckless — reckless for the world, reckless for the undermining of the U.N. in this disorderly world ... reckless with our government, reckless with his own future, position and place in history," she said.

    Asked if Blair and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw knew of her position, she said, "I have a good relationship and frequent discussions with both of them."

    Blair's office said Short had not told the prime minister in advance of the views she expressed to the BBC.

    Short's announcement came after Labor lawmaker Andrew Reed said he was quitting his post as a parliamentary private secretary — a low-level government job — apparently over the Iraq crisis.

    Newspapers reported that four other low-ranking members of the government said they would quit if Britain goes to war without U.N. backing.


    Finally someone in politics who will stand up for what they feel is right. Hats off to you, Short.

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